005 - "Blame the Monkey"

by FliteTest Community Cast | December 25, 2015 | (7) Posted in Podcasts

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jksbusiness on January 1, 2016
Nice podcast. It needs a little bit of organization at the beginning. Let the listener know what the topic is right away, quickly mention the guest speakers and then on to the topic of conversation.
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TEAJR66 on December 27, 2015
Very entertaining gentlemen. I enjoyed that. Joel, another great production. Mike, I can't believe you sided with the Monkey. Shame on you sir. Shame on you. Fred, good one. Pat, sucker! Keep up the good job guys.
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earthsciteach on December 25, 2015
Ok, let me explain what happened at the end of the podcast on my end. One of our family members is a huge black lab named Barley. He came down into the basement to check on me (looking for food, in other words) and somehow got himself wrapped up in the power cord for the laptop I use for the podcast. He pulled the entire thing off of my workbench, ejecting the battery in the process. He didn't even look back. He is awesome.
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005 - "Blame the Monkey"