116 Andre's trip to Ohio

by FliteTest | June 20, 2016 | (4) Posted in Podcasts

Andre made the long trip from Ottawa down to Ohio to join the rest of the FT Afterhours crew for 3 days of flying shenanigans.It was non stop from dodging trees at Wayne's,formationTundra flying at Fury field to glider towing at the original FT headquarters.

audio link


the glider tow video

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Alex's Instagram: @zvada 
Austin's Instagram: @austinfurey

FTAfterhours Social Media:

FTAfterhours Twitter: twitter.com/ftafterhours

FTAfterhours Instagram: @ftafterhours
FTAfterhours YouTube: @ftafterhours
André’s Twitter: twitter.com/andrerousseau
André’s Instagram: @andregt6
André’s YouTube: @andrerousseau


andre on June 22, 2016
When can we do this again?
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Beemans on June 21, 2016
Hey Guys
It is 8:30am and the link is broken really like to listen to the podcast.
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crash1414 on June 21, 2016
Sorry guys not sure what's wrong but I can't fix it until I get home this evening
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JC the Hobbyist on June 21, 2016
Hott Fan
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winglet on June 20, 2016
Links seem to be broken??
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kerrycorcoran on June 21, 2016
Good video!!
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FliteTest on June 21, 2016
should be up and working now.Had to change some things around to get it to work.-chris
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Beemans on June 24, 2016
Hey Chris
I am looking for a better set of fpv goggles and I keep hearing you guys mention the headplay goggles. Are they good for people with glasses and do they fog up any?
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FliteTest on June 26, 2016
my suggestion is try as many different goggles as u can. Wayne and I hove the headplay. Andre did not. So i think its up to personal preference. lots of factors, do you like a Imax immersive feel and don't mind the bigger goggles then the headplays might be for you. So far i haven't had any fogging issues.
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116 Andre's trip to Ohio