Diversity/Scanner preview and first FPV flight.

by rchacker | December 27, 2012 | (8) Posted in Just Fun

Testing out my home-brew 24 channel 5.8Ghz diversity receiver. It is also a scanner. This is an early prototype. I plan to add more receivers and features in the future. Also my first decent FPV flight. Got to love the auto-level on the KK2. 

Please excuse the very amateur filming.


Aeroworx on December 27, 2012
720tvl SuperHAD ? Where did you get that?
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rchacker on December 27, 2012
What time did I say it, ill add a note.
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rchacker on December 27, 2012
Oops, my head is full of video editing numbers. It's 600 TVL. Security camera 2000. Recommended and reviewed by Bruce. They also have a 700.
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KoekieMonster on December 27, 2012
Hi, looks ;like a very nice diversity system, could you tell me how you upgraded the receivers to 24 channels? or where you found out how to do it? I am building my own diversity receiver using the msp430 launchpad and would like to add more features like this.
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rchacker on December 27, 2012
I'm hoping to sell this so I won't be giving away too many secrets yet, but I will say the modules have an undocumented SPI interface.
Once it is ready the hardware, software or both with be open source.
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KoekieMonster on December 27, 2012
Ah, bummer. Good luck further designing your system.
I just ordered PCB's, I used seeedstudio's service, I can really recommend this since they are very cheap and I have never received a PCB with a fault on it.

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rchacker on December 27, 2012
I heard about Seeed Studio on the AmpHour. I reckon its the way to go for me, even an initial run getting the parts here and shipping it out would take far to long from Ecuador.
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apache64 on December 27, 2012
Hi Mark, great video, and i love the fact you got the jitters once you landed, that describes exactly how FPV means to me too.. :-)
I would like tosee your diversity mashup as i too have an Arduino and would like to have a similar setup, keep up the good work.
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Diversity/Scanner preview and first FPV flight.