FPV Formation Training

by FPVTrond | November 21, 2012 | (11) Posted in Just Fun

Me and a friend are trying to fly in formation with our schraut5 inspired scratch built Kline–Fogleman airforil wings. 

The plane chasing is flown FPV by myself and uses a KFm-2 airfoil. The other plane uses KFm-4 airfoil and is flown line of sight.

If you are interested in building a plane like this you can find the instructions here:

FPV49v3 build video

More info about the KFm:

BusyBeeTV - Dick Kline Interview

RCSuperpowers - Why we use KF Airfoils!

RCSuperpowers - The 4 Reasons To Use a KF AIRFOIL!


pitts special on November 28, 2012
Awesome stuff
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elemental on November 27, 2012
Fantastic flying!
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caseol on November 28, 2012
Great one!
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FPV Formation Training