GoPro Turrent Unit

by ParkHopper | January 20, 2013 | (4) Posted in Projects

Its my gopro 360 turrent unit proto type 2.5 just knocking some kinks out before it goes on its first flight under my quadcopter. 


Pan: 360+


Its ment to be mounted it the fuselage of the HK FPV 168, with the gopro on the bottom. All the wires are ran threw a 12 cable spindle the can turn at 2200rpms with out losing connection between the wires. i have test it and it works great on the bench. after its first flight i will cut out the carbon fiber version and adapt it to the FPV 168 for its first airal recon flight.


Bjarkix2 on January 22, 2013
can you please make the figure the picture thing out, i would love to see this project :)
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Cyberdactyl on January 22, 2013
Looks great. But it appears you could drop the mass by 20-40% by using a carbon fiber post and a belt instead of chain at a minimum.
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ParkHopper on January 22, 2013
I'm hoping it will drop the weight a great deal and a belt driven pan would work good to but the chain I'm using plastic and does not weight a lot to begin with. But it's not completed yet so and ideas are a great help to me. Thank you
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LanMark on January 21, 2013
broken links.
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Lubis on January 21, 2013
Is it just me? but I don't see any pictures or videos in this article.
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MidwestRob on January 26, 2013
Nice ingenuity. I'm looking forward to seeing you post some in-flight footage with it.
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ParkHopper on January 26, 2013
thank you. i am to but the weather says i have to wait.... rain in a desert...
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GoPro Turrent Unit