KFairfoil Test Plane - Build log (Part 1)

by InComing RC | December 26, 2012 | (11) Posted in Projects

A little while ago I did an interview with Dick Kline. There I told everyone about the project I was going to do, which was to test the KF airfoils and compare them to a traditional airfoil (an Armin wing). So lets start building!

First, I cut out the wing sections from sheets of dollar tree foam. Then I glued them together, and then I formed the Armin wing, thanks Ed  from Experimental Airlines for the awesome design!

Then I took the wing sections to my band saw to cut a perfect 8° angle in the wing tips.

So they can be put together like this. This slight sweep should improve efficiency, and since all the wings have it, the sweep won't effect the flight results from wing to wing.

While I had the band saw out, I also cut the bevel for the leading edge...

and then I sanded it to a curve and made it smooth.

 Then I glued the wings together and cut out the ailerons.

Now for some custom graphics! My dad (Kent Weakley) printed these out for me on his awesome printer!

Putting them on was very simple, they are just like giant stickers.

They look awesome!

And there they are! They came out very well, but they aren't finished. The servos and linkages still have to be installed, and the fuselage still has to be made.

More to come...


StoneBlueAirlines on December 27, 2012
This is going to be a great test.
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FPVTrond on December 26, 2012
Awesome! I was really looking forward to this test :)
Will be following great interest! Thumbs up!
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casehatter on January 4, 2013
Awesome looking forward to the comparasons of all the wings thing you could let us know..?
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HoriAkuma on December 27, 2012
Great job, BusyBee! I usually incorporate a KFm2 into most of my designs, I'm really interested to see your results... I take it you are just going to fly them all and see how they handle? If only we had a miniature wind tunnel so we could really see what was going on with these smaller airfoils on park flyer size foamies...
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Corsair2014 on November 24, 2013
what happened to this test???
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KFairfoil Test Plane - Build log (Part 1)