Scratch Build Drop Box

by spencer | June 4, 2012 | (9) Posted in Projects

Thought I would share the drop box build that I did. The first version was a test version out of a checkbook box trimmed significantly. I the built a second out of light ply. Turned out good and always gets the neices and nephews outside.

The basics of building a box are quite simple. I just used wood glue to put it all together, cut a relief for the servo (making sure the pivit point of the servo matched the hinge point of the door), glued the servo in, and hinged the door on with tape. I've used velcro to hold the box to the plane. That allows me to swap between planes. Although at this point i've only used it on the slow stick. Also, if you'll notice on the plane, i've tried to put the box as close to the COG as possible. That way if i'm dropping a box load of paintballs or a small parachuter, the wait doesn't effect it much.


House Of Noob on June 6, 2012
Love it! You can drop LOTS of different things. We had set up a servo with a pin attached through a loop. Then we could pull pin and the hanging plastic Easter egg Filled with flour made the splash. But, we could only ever drop that one thing.

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spencer on June 6, 2012
Never thought of dropping an easter egg full of flower. That must make a nice poof! I'm working on a design that will drop paintballs one at a time. That way you don't have to land everytime you drop something. I could make multiple passes and drop paintballs one after another.
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RedBaron1 on August 13, 2012
My past experience found Paintballs were too light - lacked enough velocity to break (splat) on impact - but you could some of them again after they. Some would crack and ooze paint - they were a mess. Good design - May have to try it myself.
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spencer on June 4, 2012
Haha, yes I did. Thanks for the catch.
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saundw on June 4, 2012
Lol- do you mean DROP box? :)
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Scratch Build Drop Box