Bonsai EPP Flying Wing FPV

by Red20RC | April 30, 2015 | (10) Posted in Projects

Proximity wing flying is the next big thing. But if you want to get really tight you need something fast and tiny like the Bonsai EPP FPV flying wing…

Whilst working on the new KFm6 wing I also had another little project up my sleeve. The plan was to take readily available, and affordable, wings and convert them for FPV flight. This has been done many times before of course (hasn’t everything?) but what normally happens is little holes get cut everywhere and there’s a lot of messy tape, glue and zip ties. I wanted something more “modular”. Something that anyone could do with a little time and patience.

Enter the HobbyKing Bonsai and Tek-Sumo EPP wings…

11084682_357351231134227_996482647_nThe choice of which wings to start with was almost too obvious. The Bonsai and Tek-Sumo wings from HobbyKing fit the bill perfectly. Small sized wings, made from almost indestructible EPP foam and very affordable. Moreover, there is a long history of both being used successfully for FPV flying.

A few days later I had a couple of smart boxes sat on my workbench along with a whole heap of other little boxes. The game was on…

This article focuses on my build of the Bonsai. At the time of writing the Tek-Sumo is still in its box!

Bonsai EPP Flying Wing

11123749_942407115793197_1485003326_nThe Bonsai EPP flying wing is a tiny 600mm span and ships in one piece with carbon spars already in place. Designed primarily for indoor or calm outdoor flying it has an intended AUW of 150g. Of course, none of this mattered to me as I needed something for high-speed outdoor flying with a lot of FPV gear strapped to it.

It was time to beef this wing up…

First thing I did was upgrade the motor to an 1806/2300kv miniquad motor and 12A ESC. This would turn a 5030 Gemfan prop, maybe even a 6030 or 5040. The recommended 2g servos got upgraded to 5g servos with the holes widened to suit. This increased power system needed a bigger battery. The original is designed for a 600mah 2S pack but I had to find a way to shoehorn a 1000mah 3S in.

An FrSky D4R-II receiver fits into the provided slot in the underside of the wing with the antenna fed up through the top surface.

Bring out the POD!

11098240_809592039127839_257158044_nOnce the basic wing was built I started to look at ways to mount the FPV gear. I wanted something that was enclosed and would offer some protection to both the wing and the cameras. In the past I have done this on larger wings using a CNC cut box. I took this idea and expanded on it.

The small wing FPV pod slots into a square hole cut in the front of the wing. It serves as both a mounting point for the cameras and a long tray for positioning the flight battery. Enlarged side plates protect the cameras and underside of the wing from impacts and landing.

By cutting from 1.5mm ply the pod is very lightweight. At first I had concerns that the material wouldn’t be strong enough but when used as intended on such a light wing it is more than fit for purpose.


 1516361_1590246957882270_1233261381_n 11111385_890894910971878_2098384474_n

The small tray at the rear of the pod could be used to mount a micro FPV transmitter but for best performance this is best placed out on the wing. I used the tiny HobbyKing 200mw 5.8 VTx and cut it into the wing. A small slit is then made in the top surface to run the wires neatly back to the pod. I didn’t bother to balance the wing laterally as I figured (and planned) that the increased torque roll would compensate for the weight. The FPV camera is a Fatshark 600TVL CMOS camera. This is just about the smallest camera I could find and about half the weight of similar sized micro CCD cameras.

With the pod in place, and the FPV gear loaded, the all up weight is 302g. This I was very happy with as the motor was putting out around 380g of thrust.

Off to the field then…

The Bonsai went to the field the same day as the KFm6 wing. The wind was light and the sun shining so I had high hopes. Anyway, watch the video first as it’s always more interesting that way…

11142315_413657445425847_264208507_nThe first couple of launches were to be expected as I got the correct amount of reflex on the elevons. After that it really was smooth sailing. This wing is so much fun it must look very odd to see a man with a blindfold on, standing in a field, laughing out loud as a small plane buzzes around his head!

I was getting a lot of interference in the FPV feed during the flight. This I have narrowed down to a bit too much weight saving during the build. I had removed the shielded cable from the VTx and I think this was a mistake. I have since put a LC filter into the power cables and this has improved things a bit. The CMOS camera, whilst not as crisp as a CCD is more than adequate.

The 1000mah LiPo was perfect for this wing and 10 minutes of flying was using only around 500mah. This is an awesome result as it makes 15-20 minutes of fast proximity flight a reality – not something your average miniquad can claim!

My biggest problem was the strap on the Mobius kept switching it off mid-flight without me realising. Not only did I lose several fast tree runs but I also didn’t catch the moment I finally nailed the line over the fence, through the shelter and over the fence on the other side – you’ll have to trust me when I tell you it was awesome!


1538543_1656569417899669_1381182091_nI’ve now got another two Bonsai kits sat on the shelf along with a paired Aomway camera and VTx. I’m going to try an even cleaner build this time, maybe even putting the Rx out on the other wing to balance things out.

Do I like this wing? Yes I do! It’s exactly what I wanted – fast, light and responsive.

Proximity wing flying is awesome. I find it an even bigger rush than miniquad flying as you just can’t pull up and hover when things get hairy. Once you are flying and the goggles are on you are committed.

Go on, give it a go. You know you want to!

If you like this, you’ll love these…

There’s more but I’m getting tired. Look out as well for Team Legit, SweepwingsRC, Snipe Air Industries and more!


Flat4 on April 30, 2015
Looks like a blast. Just ordered a bonsai wing and your fpv pod, looking forward to slapping it all together. Can't wait to see the gaps I can squeeze this tiny thing through.
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Red20RC on April 30, 2015
Thanks! I'm sure you'll have a ball with this thing! (Just fly safe ;-) )
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Flat4 on April 30, 2015
Always, as far as property and the public is concerned, my aircraft on the other hand probably don't think I'm too safe.
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BackPackModels on May 1, 2015
Nice FPV pod! Surely a 500mAh battery is not that big but where did you put it? I usually don't like it to strap them underneath the bottom. Dangerous for the lipo and a pain to change batteries on the field... ;)
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BackPackModels on May 1, 2015
Just saw that it is a 1000mAh 3S, so even bigger ;D
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Red20RC on May 1, 2015
Yep, it's a 1000 3s, which is too big to fit anywhere really!
The pod extends back to the firewall at the bottom and the pack is strapped in there. With the mobius and fpv cam up front the pack sits just in front of the motor to achieve the cg in the instructions.
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ashtodust2000 on May 2, 2015
I use 9G servos in mine, With a HexTronik 20g 2300kv motor, And a 6030 prop.
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Red20RC on May 5, 2015
I image that shifts pretty quick?!
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dgrayisme on April 30, 2015
You are setting a very bad example by flying behind the flight line. Please do not do that anymore. If you hit me, my family, or my car my attorney and I will own your house.
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Red20RC on April 30, 2015
Duly noted. And this is the reason why any flights like this are conducted in such an area and at times when there is nobody else present.
If you, your family or your car was anywhere near that flying field then I wouldn't be!
Yes, flying over the pits or near to the shelter is taboo but the field behind the pits is part of our flying area and regularly used. However, if you choose to attend a flying site then you accept a certain amount of risk. In my time I have seen for occasion when much larger 2-3kg nitro models have gone out of control and hit cars.
Anyway, proximity flying is here to stay and if I have to set an example it will be to fly in an isolated area away from other people and not in a populated public park.
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Red20RC on April 30, 2015
Incidentally, just re-reading your comment I do not appreciate people making threats within this community. Please take it elsewhere.
Also, if you are using language like "attorney", you're going to have to come quite a way to get the keys (and you'll want to fix the roof whilst you're at it).
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dgrayisme on May 1, 2015
Sorry Red,
It was not intended to be a threat but an eye opener.
In this day with all the "drone" and UAV stuff under the microscope we all have be as responsible as possible to keep Johnny Law at bay.

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Bonsai EPP Flying Wing FPV