DJI NAZA-M & Windows 10

by jahnkeanater | February 4, 2016 | (6) Posted in How To

Just bought a seacond hand DJI NAZA-M today and got it home to tinker around with the settings. I downloaded all the apropriate programs and drivers and created an account with dji to use the software, Pluged in my DJI NAZA M only to have windows install the wrong driver and have DJI's software not detect the device.

I spent hours surfing the web before I found the solution. DJI does not have signed drivers and windows 10 refuises to install them. So here is how to get your DJI to play nice with Windows 10.

"You may need to refresh this page several times for this article to display properly."


First off you need to enable installation of unsigned drivers.


Hold down the SHIFT key while you click Restart.

Once your computer has rebooted you will be able to choose the Troubleshoot option.


Then head into Advanced options.


Then Startup Settings.


“Disable driver signature enforcement”. To choose the setting, You will need to press the F7 key.



Once your computer Starts back up you have to manually install the driver. Plug your dji device into the computer "supply power from a battery" and open device manager.

You should see your device listed under ports as "USB Serial Device (COM##)".

Now right click that device and click properties and under the Drivers Tab Click Update Driver.

Then Click


Then Click the "Have Disk..." Button.

Then Browse to this directory

C:\Program Files (x86)\DJI Product\DJI driver2.02\source64

And Select The Dji Driver "dji_vcom_driver11.inf" and hit Open then OK

Hit Next and allow windows to install the driver software anyway.

Your Device Should now look like this in device manager and the DJI software should be able to connect.


Finally enjoy your quadcopter the way it is supposed to work.



fstefanov on March 1, 2016
Thank you thank you thank you. I searched for a while and even bought a second unit since DJI told me mine might just be malfunctioning. This worked and now it talks to the software. Thanks again.
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jahnkeanater on March 2, 2016
Why does DJI not know about this? I would assume this is a problem with all windows 10 machines.
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jahnkeanater on February 10, 2016
If the Article is not displaying properly you may need to refresh the page a few times.
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invictarocks on November 25, 2016
This worked for me after hours of digging. One thing, I had to reboot after manually installing the driver for it to connect. Thank you!!!

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Daniel Vega Frias on November 6, 2023

Could you tell how I can see the 5 pictures of windows about how to do? They are the first pics that is not downloading

I have try as you say to redress many time, but always is not viewing the pics

Thanks in advance
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tengkie on February 24, 2016
Why the article is not displayed properly? I have to refresh several times to make it displayed full?

Anyway, nice tutorial man! Been searching for this issue for days.. Cheers
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jahnkeanater on March 2, 2016
No idea just keep refreshing. :)
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wilcbd on February 17, 2016
Thank you for the detailed post. After hours of searching the web this is the only thing what worked for me.
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Sbandtholtz on May 15, 2016
10 hours later thank you so much for doing all the hard work
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cafersas on September 20, 2016
Hello everybody , I just upgrade my quad from CC3D to naza m lite with all toys, but I cannot comunicate my naza m lite with the assistant , no green lights at all and not even show in the COM ports.what to do I will appreciate your help in this matter.
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tuck on September 2, 2016
I am trying to do the same too. and I got an error...Windows encountered a problem installing the driver software for your device...

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Poppasmurf on December 2, 2016
@ jahnkeanater - Thank you so much for posting this how-to-help on the Naza and Windows 10. I have tried 3 others and this one did the trick. BTW if you didn't know, DJI help desk is referring customers to your entry here at FT. Great job and thanx again...
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Garfl on July 14, 2016
Wow i ´m french and every ting was super clair,i realy appreciate your work ,it s was very clear for me,my thousands first attempt with some tutorials was desapointed a very big thanks.
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Max Air on February 22, 2017
This article is a life saver for me, thanks so much for sharing. Getting my Naza to communicate with my computer was a major road block for me. I am surprised that a company as large as Naza has not taken the steps to ensure ease of installation with Windows 10 systems.
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dhubert777 on May 15, 2017
Wow thanks man -- trying to setup a quad for a buddy and this article is exactly what I needed to get the NAZA-M Lite software to run
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davidbitton on June 28, 2017
I needed this just for my iOSD Mark II. Worked like a charm! Thanks.
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Battershell on July 30, 2017
Did everything's no as shown and still it will not respond to being plugged in. What is the refresh thing all about? Is that just for the article on FT?

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Battershell on August 2, 2017
Figured it out! Not sure what or why but after several restarts it finally works.
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Battershell on July 30, 2017
Computer acknowledged plugging in cable to quad but then still does nothing. No response to stick movements and says it needs plugged into the controller when I want to even run motor test or export settings.

Any ideas.

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DPG on August 24, 2018
You my Man are intelligent, thank you for saving and old drone from the dumpster!
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CassieGriffin on November 1, 2018
Window 10 does not work all time. When we add or run new thing then window 10 seem problem because its some setting has been changed while we update. We can do that update its driver to solve window error. Get more information on
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dtuffy on December 28, 2019
This has helped me to get a driver in my windows 10 Home system. I've chased quite a few rabbits down the hole working on this problem for 3 days. Microsoft twisting the screws pretty tight to keep me from messing up my computer. I'd really like to have control of messing up my computer and learning from it.
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DJI NAZA-M & Windows 10