E-Flite Carbon-Z T-28

by FliteTest | November 9, 2015 | (10) Posted in Reviews

We love using Periscope to let you guys see some behind-the-scenes of our day to day. Since we are always interested in what you guys want to see, we figured we'd bring the Periscope chat room to the hobby shop to pick out the plane for our next review! 

Hanging proud in the middle of the store was this beauty. The Carbon-Z T-28 by E-Flite.

Let's just say the love to see this fly was overflowing! 

The decision was unanimous. Thank you to everyone in the Periscope chat for your input!

If you missed the broadcast and don't want to be left out next time, check us out on the Periscope app! (user: @flitetest)

It's the best way to stay up to date on everything Flite Test and check out what we're up to! 


Material: Z-Foam
Wingspan: 78 in (198 cm)
Length: 63 in (162 cm)
Wing Area: 1073 sq in (70 sq dm)
Flying Weight: 12.0 lbs (5.5 kg)
Motor Size: 50-60 Size
Recommended Motor Battery: 22.2V 5000mAh 30C 6S LiPo
Minimum Required Radio: 6+ channel transmitter and receiver
Recommended Fuel: Electric
Flaps: Yes
Retracts: Yes
Approximate Flight Time: 8 minutes
Approximate Assembly Time: Less than 1 Hour

Needless to say this thing is a MONSTER!

Before you invest in a big plane, make sure you have the money to back it up. That means investing in a bigger battery, bigger charger, space to move it to and fro, etc. Keep these things in mind when looking at any large model.

Whatever headaches come with the upkeep of a large model (including getting it to the field) seem to disolve once you get the thing in the air. The presence this creates is amazing! 

Much like the Carbon-Z Cub, it's difficult to tell if this is the giant model or not while it's flying. It's scales beautifully.

The retracts are servoless and move with scale speed. 

Flying inverted is a breeze! Large loops and knife edges are also possible. Dispite the large size the Trojan handles just like it's small and more approachable brother. Start with altitude as your friend (a lot!) and end right off the deck. 

At the end of the day, it's an awesome airplane. This is definitely for the seasoned pilot who understand the upkeep involved. A big plane mean big money! The size is a double edged sword. It's what helps the smooth characteristics and gives it that beautiful presence but hanger rash will be a thing and if you dont' have an easy way to move it the setup and tear down will be frequent.

We really enjoyed the Carbon-Z T-28. Good choice you guys!


Yogenh on November 9, 2015
I liked the plane but it was way too high of a price. I can go fuel for the same size and not cost as much. Love the review of it. Love to see more of them
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Sparkie on November 10, 2015
I love this kind of review. It is always interesting to see what other RC models are around, and as usual I am entertained and inspired. I had never really considered flying a Trojan before, but I am now. Thanks guys, you made my day. :)
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Willsonman on November 9, 2015
Bigger does fly better. I would say the AS3X is not needed. I think you will find that it will be a better challenge to fly in a scale way.
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Anon Pilot on November 9, 2015
Excellent video, thanks. Could you review some REAL planes though, although admittedly, this qualifies in terms of size. When, because of you people, I joined my local club, I found that smaller foamies were completely outflown by bigger balsa models, like eg. Sebart Angel 50. I've been flying a Sebart Stev 30 (on 4S) this last year and it must truly be about the best trainer ever imho. It completely changed my relationship to flight. Also, I would love to see what you'all think of the Freewing Stinger 90. Today, unmitigated praise for you.
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magicmerlin on November 9, 2015
WOW!!!! That was fantastic! I could watch that video over again. Next time you go to the hobby shop, get the corsair, they were a real hand full to fly.
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Captain Crash on November 9, 2015
i want a poll deciding which plane you guys review for people like me whose phone isn't compatible with periscope
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jw423 on November 24, 2015
That was great and I loved it. Next time grab that Pulse 15e Josh was lookin at. Thanks again guys.
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TimmyGT on November 9, 2015
That thing is beautiful but I was really hoping you guys were going to review the Eflite Trojan that is a step down from this one, the one that costs $279. I'm sure that there's not too many people that have the space to fly something that big. If I had the space I would buy the carbon z version in a heartbeat. The 1.2m Trojan is a probably the biggest aircraft I could fly where I live.
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The-One-Who-Never-Crashes on November 9, 2015
How about doing a Carbon-Z T-28 "Build, Tune, Fly!"?
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Anon Pilot on November 9, 2015
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Anon Pilot on November 25, 2015
Loved the program, but NOT A REVIEW. Are those RETRACTS really just PLASTIC ??? Is there any built in SUSPENSION ??? Why wouldn't this be a MAJOR CONCERN for the majority of us who fly from GRASS airstrips ??? If I could possibly trust the retracts, which I can't, I would buy one of these in a heartbeat...

I think it is a bit slapdash not to have at least included decent close-up photos of the important bits... apparently the flaps fall off also... Come on guys... you need to do better.
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Flyingninja on November 9, 2015
You guys should review the new Hobbyking Me 163 with the rocket option.
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E-Flite Carbon-Z T-28