Foxeer Legend 1 - Comparison

by ycopter | November 16, 2015 | (8) Posted in Reviews

The new Foxeer with 1080p at 60fps in the form factor of the Mobius - it should be the ideal camera for small aircraft, see how it performs against the following:

  • GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition.
  • Mobius
  • Xaiomi Yi

I would like to hear your comments and views on the Foxeer, in particular how close does it come to the quality of the GoPro and other cheaper action cameras.


The-One-Who-Never-Crashes on November 16, 2015
Thank you for writing this! Excellent job, can't wait for the next video!
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ycopter on November 16, 2015
So pleased to have your positive feedback, I'm looking forward to a weather window when I can film part 2. I plan to fly all of the cameras simultaneously to get a true in-flight comparison.
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PeterGregory on November 18, 2015
Thanks for going through all this work to compare - well done.
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ycopter on November 19, 2015
And thanks for taking the time to comment, I'm pleased you found the video interesting.
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Flyerguy455 on November 16, 2015
I noticed some pixilation. Was this from the cameras or from YouTube?

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ycopter on November 16, 2015
Hello Flyerguy, almost certainly from YouTube, the compression from all of the cameras is acceptable in the raw video. I find that YouTube struggles with complex and fast moving scenes, if you can view it at 1080 60fps that helps a bit. Different browsers can also produce different results, try an alternative browser, you might find an improvement in the YouTube stream.
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Flyerguy455 on November 17, 2015
Thanks so much. I kind of figured that it was artifact from YouTube. Looks like the pricing is about the same for this cam vs. a Mobius. Which did you prefer?

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ycopter on November 18, 2015
I prefer the Foxeer over the Mobius, much smoother video quality. It will be interesting to see what improvement the Mobius V2 brings.
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Foxeer Legend 1 - Comparison