HexaPodTer - Flying/Walking Educational Robot

by jhtfarquhar | October 17, 2014 | (0) Posted in Projects


Hello watchers of Flitetest,


We have come here with something that may interest you, but in the form of full disclosure, is little more than self-promotion. We will be making no profit overall, as all unspent proceeds will be used to purchase components for our FRC team, Team 53. We have no real product to offer besides 3d-printable files, and PDF plans, which are available prior to the completion of the final robot, when the PDF plans will be made public. 


We are a group of five high-school juniors and seniors, who are embarking on our first real, independent, engineering and research project for one of our classes. 

Our project goal is to create a flying hexapod, which we have given the awkward moniker "HexaPodTer."

This project will serve as a learning platform for CAD, and autonomous programming of an Arduino-based control system.


How you can help


Here is the Indiegogo link, for those of you who want more information and/or feel like donating: http://igg.me/p/922373/x/8535843

We are using a referral link to track the interest from the FliteTest community. If you would rather not be tracked that way, here is a non-referral link: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/hexapodter-a-flying-all-terrain-educational-robot/x/8535843


Our story, copy and pasted from the Indiegogo page with the redundant/impertinent portions omitted:


The HexaPodTer is going to be one of the first open-source projects of it's kind, and  fully documented build logs, designs, and our backer update videos will be available online, for free, upon the HexaPodTer's completion.

We are confident our success in making this project a reality will be able to serve as an inspiration to young engineers around the world, and the open-source nature of our work will be able to supplement valuable research and information on similar fields of robotics to anyone willing to read it.


Here is a cad design of the arm, to show that we really are serious:


We(I) hope that you have read this, and are interested. If the FliteTest community shows interest, we will continue posting updates here. If not, you can follow the project on the Indiegogo page.


Please excuse my rambling on and on, I am not our PR guy, 


Henry Tuit Farquhar

Head Engineer, HexaPodTer Project


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HexaPodTer - Flying/Walking Educational Robot