How to launch a flying wing

by Provotroll | March 12, 2014 | (11) Posted in How To

Launching a big flying wing for the first time can be intimidating. But it's not that hard with the right technique. There is not THE best way. Every technique has it's pros and cons. In this video I want to show you some of the
techniques that work well. Every pilot in this video considers the technique he uses to be the best and most reliable for his needs.



tramsgar on March 14, 2014
Good summary video! Concise and short.

Try to avoid...
3. Two-handed shave off your face method
4. Chop off your fingers method
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Fatherfox on March 12, 2014
i do kind of a blend. i stand sideways (kata stance),overhand grip aim 45deg up and forward so the bird is released between my shoulder and head. i've found less up angle is good for light planes but much above that and your not getting much airflow over the wing to generate lift, it slows down too fast and drops more and sooner. wasted energy. the higher the up angle past 55deg, the greater the point of diminishing returns. 42 and 54" scratch wings. but then i'm a noob, what do i know? =^-~=
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Provotroll on March 12, 2014
That's pretty much what I did in the beginning. Here is some footage of it from my Z2 maiden:
But that technique wasn't reliable enough. On some days I only had a 1/3 success rate. The vertical throw - side grab - works for me every single time.
On the other hand...maybe I was doing something wrong. If your technique works for you, stick to it. Maybe you can share it in a video?
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Fatherfox on March 19, 2014
yep, really close to what i do. nice vid. i've also arc'ed overhead with the release at the same angle. quite awkward at first, but i got used to it. the greater the arc, the more airflow over the wing just like a discus launch. realistically i'd say look at a bunch of techniques and variations and try em a few times. you'll find one that fits you and your bird. never be afraid to try something knew.
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sailorJohn on March 12, 2014
Either building winglets that will allow the wing to stand on it's tail or a simple plastic water pipe stand that allows the wing to shoot off works well if you have enough power.
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Provotroll on March 12, 2014
My Z2 does stand on it's winglets, but I never dared to try it. I'm to afraid it might fall over and break the prop.
But if you have some HD footage of this technique, I would be happy to include it in the video.
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Red20RC on March 13, 2014
I don't think I can even describe my launch! I guess it would be an overhand, horizontal launch at about 45 degrees nose up. I think I will be giving the vertical throw - nose grab a go as my setup is nice and powerful and it the wing is nice and light.

I did originally try the bungee but I actually got the chord wrapped around the prop when I started the motor too soon. Somehow I got it all down in one piece, but not before melting the motor! The "Top Tip" there is to make sure you are release from the bungee before you throttle up!
Nice little video once again - your video always catch my interest.
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Provotroll on March 17, 2014
Your techniques sounds like the one I used to use:
But that technique wasn't reliable enough for me. On some days I only had a 1/3 success rate. The vertical throw - side grab - works for me every single time.
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Red20RC on March 17, 2014
I tried the vertical throw - side grab with my new wing the other day (unflown and untrimmed) and it worked very well! It even rolled inverted as it went up but had achieved so much altitude so quickly that I was easily able to get myself sorted and fly out.
Will certainly be using that one again :)
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Provotroll on March 20, 2014
Congratulations on your maiden. That's awesome.
I watched your video and I'm glad our video helped you on your maiden. :-)

PS: Nice choice of music in your video ;-)
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Red20RC on March 20, 2014
You've got me sold on Savant now as well :-)
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Battershell on March 13, 2014
I have built a discus launched wing. I basically reinforced each wing half with a round dowel rod and allowed the right side to extend an inch past the end of the wing. At the tip of the rod I drilled a hole and glued a small finger tip handle. Looks like a regular DLG. It is a 32" wing easy to fling into the wind with my left throttle hand while holding the TX with my right hand.
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CMS_1961 on March 16, 2014
Here is another idea to try......I made a 60 inch span dollar tree foam board flying wing from the standard FT Versa Wing by enlarging the plans. Tossing this plane using any method was a problem. Instead, I made a fin or keel with three layers of foam board and put color tape on it to cover it. I made it so that it was half the size of the prop length so for a 10 inch prop I made a 5 inch vertical fin (keel) cut into a triangle and hot glued it down the centerline of the wing centering it on the CG. Now I have a safe handle to launch with and a prop saver for landing. The only issue is landing too fast and touching down on the fin will make the nose dig in. I have reinforced the nose to prevent damage. It is best to just land slow and prevent the nose from digging in. This fin (keel) does not effect the flying qualities of the wing, if anything it helps it track straighter. Hope you get the idea from this writing...I probably should post some pics and video.
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Provotroll on March 17, 2014
There are some wings out there, like the Eagle Eye, that have some sort of fusalage in middle that you can grab. But do not recommend that method with big and heavy FPV rigs (5 pound wings). I have seen people doing it but I was really afriad they might chop of a finger if something goes wrong.
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Grandad Mick on April 7, 2014
How about a launch dolly. Some sort of wire frame with wheels. With the correct design the dolly will act as an undercarriage that drops away as model gets airborne.
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Provotroll on April 25, 2014
Sounds good. When you have some video footage of such a start, please let me know.
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Pass1 on April 28, 2014
I launch mine with the left hand so I can quickly adjust for any mistakes in the throw (for example here I throw it quite banked ). I have only flown a handful of batteries on planes... but could someone give their opinion and if they decided to switch hands? (I fly mode 2)

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How to launch a flying wing