Power Pod encased in Coroplast

by RobMackenzie | September 29, 2013 | (0) Posted in How To


Last word from me on this subject... promise! If you encase your FT PowerPod in 2mm. coroplast it will be buffalo-hide tough and only weigh 20-25 grams more. I can add 25 grams just going to a slightly larger battery so that seems to be a fair trade-off.

This powerpod has been battle-tested (I "test" crashed it just to be sure) and it survived unscathed. I may start laminating two firewall plywoods together as they seem a bit brittle sometimes right at the edges, or... I could just learn to be a better pilot and stop stressing them so often.


RobMackenzie on October 11, 2013
@DruidDriver: I tried using 4mm without foam and was a bit underwhelmed primarily because of the loss of lateral and longitudinal rigidity... Coroplast alone was very "twisty". IF you were in a situation where you weren't relying on the powerpod to add rigidity, then it would work fine. I explored the options on a video over on YouTube under "Power Pods (and Coroplast)"
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Fly'n-V on October 12, 2013
Nicely Done Rob!!! Thanks for sharing!
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DruidDriver on October 11, 2013
What about just making power pods out of 4mm coroplast and skip the foam? or does the foam add something special?
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Power Pod encased in Coroplast