Scratch built delta wing from purple foam

by cableline01 | October 5, 2014 | (0) Posted in Projects

Here is the project and the video for the scratch built wings out of purple foam. I wanted a long range wing that did not break the bank. Here are the pics that i took durring the build.


This was a scratch built wing mad efom purple foam form the hardware store. I hot wire cut the wings from 3 peices of foam stacked. Same for the body. 

I am running.
Orange openLRS 1 watt TX
Orange openLRS 100mw RX
Dragon link RX antenna 
MilesRC 1/4 wave 433 UHF antenna
9X with ER9X firmware
9 gram hobbyking metal gear servos
60a Opto ESC 
900mhz 200mw VTX (sucks going to upgrade)
hobby king 900mhz RHCP antennas
Mobius wide angle lense 
Propdrive 35-48 900kv with 12x6 folding grumper prop
Will be adding a APM 2.6 FC 
wing span 46" or 1168.4mm
2 - 2150mha 4s batterys 


The first flight was good needed to put some expo in it and trim. Was a little tail heavy
Added some more weight to it on later flights, it flew like it was on rails. Cant wait to take it out again


cableline01 on October 8, 2014
Oh and dont gorilla glue the foam before you hotwire cut them. Take dabs of hot glue to hold it together. The hotwire will not cut thru gorilla glue. After the wings are cut pull all of your pieces of foam apart and apply the glue then. Found this out the hard way.
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Hell2Go on October 7, 2014
Cool plane! Where'd you get the purple foam, how is it to work with, does it sand well? Do you have plans available i could download? Thanks for sharing!
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cableline01 on October 8, 2014
Thanks for the reply.
Here is a link to the foam board i used. you can make a lot of things from it. I used gorilla glue to glue it together. and it does sand well there is a clear plastic you will take off before you glue or sand but it comes off easy. I wish I had plans but i built it out of my head. but i did put measurements for the wingspan.
for the CG i used.
to make the hot-wire temples for the wings i used this:

Hope these links help you to design your own. I wish I had more info.
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Scratch built delta wing from purple foam