How To Protect Your GoPro

by Corsair2014 | January 30, 2015 | (0) Posted in Tips

When I first got my GoPro, I would never dream of flying it without it's protective housing, even though it added substantial weight. However, as my GoPro lost its 'newness' factor, I became more comfortable with uncasing it to sling it under my Hexacopter's gimbal. I had my first wake up call, however, when my custom y6 hexacopter recently went down on a road trip in Moab, Utah.






Notice that the GoPro doesn't have sound until it hits the ground... This started when me and Trent had a midair collision.... Now the GoPro doesn't record sound at all lol






Just before impact


 Ironically, the GoPro flew off Trent's quad and hit me in the hand, landing pefectly at my feet facing up at me




As you can see, I am apparently a 'high risk' flyer, so I'm surprised Lee and Trent still fly with me. Fate would prove my point, however, on the very sad day of January 29, 2015.







After ordering Lee a replacement lens for his GoPro 3+ on Amazon, I thought I would write this article to save someone else the trauma and hastle of destroying a GoPro.

Lucky for me, I learned my lesson when I crashed my Hexacopter,and bought this cheap GoPro lens cover for when I have my GoPro uncased (or in the frame mount on my Phoenix Hunter).



I am not advertising for this particular company, I'm just linking to the one I purchased. I do, however, STRONGLY advocate getting a lens cover ASAP if you fly with your GoPro 'naked'.

Had Lee been flying with the lens cover like mine, he would have only lost 9 dollars... Had i NOT been flying with the lens cover, my GoPro would have had the same fate as Lee's...

Take this word of warning and PROTECT THAT LENS!



28th St. Air on February 4, 2015
I've been flying without protection. Seeing the graphic GoPro carnage motivated me to finally take action and buy the lens cover. My GoPro thanks you.
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Corsair2014 on February 4, 2015
Yep... never a good idea to fly without protection...

That GoPro lens is fragile!
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drbohlen on February 6, 2015
I agree that the lens cover protects from scratches and minor impact, but it seems like if it had an impact hard enough to break the cover, couldn't some of the glass in the cover scratch the gopro lens when it smashes in? I wonder if there is a way to get a shatterproof glass cover or put some phone screen protector tape on the cover, that way if it breaks, the glass would stay contained.
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Corsair2014 on February 7, 2015
Thats what happened to mine. the lens cover sprayed glass shards all over the gopro lens. However, it didn't leave any scratches that i can tell... the first hex crash pictured above resulted in several small scratches on my gopro lens, but they don't show up on the video at all luckily. As long as they aren't deep gouges, small scratches on the gopro lens aren't noticible
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Crash_Expert on February 17, 2015
I have a 3+ Black with a scratched lens.
What replacement did you buy? Link?


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Corsair2014 on February 18, 2015
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ohitstarik on February 15, 2015
Any lens protectors for the Mobius, or the C-Go1?
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Corsair2014 on February 18, 2015
not that i know of, but i dont own either
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Andy_srq on June 21, 2015
Be sure to check out the LayerLens if you haven't already. It has saved tons of GoPro lenses over the years for me. They also come with an optional polarized lens to reduce glare -
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How To Protect Your GoPro