The J Scott

by FliteTest | March 25, 2013 | (37) Posted in Reviews

The J*Scott is a custom made RC scratch build from author ExAir!  

Josh Scott unveiled a surprise today, a personalized foam board airplane created by Ed (aka: Experimental Airlines)

The custom foam board airplane incorporates everyday items like the plastic gifts cards setup to create a detachable rudder. 

 The J* Scott features many of the great designs that Ed shares in his videos and articles.

Designed specifically with Josh Scott in mind, the J* Scott features a rugged construction along with a great custom vinyl design. 

 A Josh Scott personalized airplane wouldn't be complete without a bomb drop! This "boom bay" bomb drop is engineered to accommodate a variety of items including darts, para-shooters, and even a 12oz soda can! 

The foam board airplane is covered in vinyl sticker and the vinyl graphics were designed by Roman Serebryakov.   

The J* Scott is equipped with flaps making it a STOL (Short Take Off and Landing) aircraft.

This was the first time Josh has ever flown the maiden flight of a plane, and the first time Josh has flown a plane with his name on it as well!

Chad trimmed the plane after Josh had some flight time, and he didn't want to give back the sticks! The airplane is really fun to fly.

The airplane handled great in the cold windy weather and Josh started to get the hang of the plane after just a few minutes.

Unfortunately, the GI Joe para-shooter got caught on the rubber band when Josh tried to drop him and the plane took a nose dive into the ground and broke a prop.

There's much more we'd like to try out on this scratch built airplane, like the flaps and soda can bomb drop.  We'll be bringing this back again real soon!

We'd like to thank Ed for sending out this fantastic scratch build RC airplane! 

The plane flew great and is engineered to hold up to crashes.  The design is expandable for FPV platforms and more. It was great to see Ed's vinyl sticker covered foam board design first hand.

Be sure to check out Ed's great articles and videos HERE! 

You can see some vinyl sticker tutorials on Roman Serebryakov's youtube channel HERE!

Join the discussion in the forum post! HERE


Jaxx on March 25, 2013
These shows just keep getting better and better. Great job Ed. Congrats Josh S! It's great to see how much fun you guys have doing this show. It's doing great things for the hobby!
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WizzyWiggs on March 26, 2013
Lol, made me laugh, great episode, good stuff!
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zev on March 26, 2013
awesome awesome awesome.
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onebladeprop on March 26, 2013
Did it come with an Ipod?

The armin wing is amazingly strong for it's light weight. I'm surprised more people haven't started using it.
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liveyourdreamsRC on March 28, 2013
Awesome Job Ed! FT should do a J Scott vs. Bixler episode.
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cloud9photos on March 25, 2013
Great design ED! Congratulations Josh S on your plane, it looks way cooler than the Bixler, sorry JB! A soda dropping bomb drop thats just awesome.
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WizzyWiggs on March 26, 2013
I agree :)
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earthsciteach on March 25, 2013
Great job Ed! Great looking airplane. Glad you picked up the J Scott torch!
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casehatter on March 26, 2013
You have ruined the boy his head is so big now..!! Good build Ed and J. Scott Take you time with this baby and have a ball. Good sole by the way..!! The chute well sshh happens right..!!
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webbhm on March 28, 2013
Love these designs Ed. I had a bit of trouble catching the specs for this, would you please post them:
Motor, ESC, wing chord, wing length, length, servos, etc.
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Adib Vahedi on March 26, 2013
wow great looking plane great job on the build ED!
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ashtodust2000 on March 27, 2013
It is great people like Ed, that help bring up this hobby to what it is today, Thank You!!!!

Your building techniques are impeccable, You make it easy for the noob to become confident.
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The J Scott