Why waste printer ink / Tape

by Scale-German | November 3, 2013 | (8) Posted in Tips

I was printing everything from the Flite Test site on multiple 8.5x11 plain paper and then cutting off the top and left edge sides with a steel ruler and x-acto blade, then taping them all together with scotch tape......

I even started modding existing FT designs using Corel Draw x15 and printing then the same way-

That is, untill I discovered my local printer would do them for $1.50 each!!!!!

It costs WAY more in ink, paper and scotch tape than $1.50??!!

My local Guy is called "Echo Blueprint" (Hudson, FL) but I'm sure theres a printer in most towns in the US?

and whats nice is he prints them right there while you wait- I get doubles of each one, so I can make a template out of one, and save the other for future use, at a buck and a half each why not?


ccrawford on November 18, 2013
Great option at $1.50/sheet, but my local FedEx/Kinkos charges $9 for a black and white 40"x30". I can get most individual parts to print on 1-3 sheets of 11x17 paper. Minimizes the taping required, but does require me to open the plans up in something other than Adobe Reader to re-arrange the print-outs. I use Photoshop Express, print at 11x17, 100%, and just move the print preview around to minimize the number of tape-joints.
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FlyingSloth on November 18, 2013
I've been tempted to requisition the plotter at work for the same thing :p problem is I'll need to sweet talk the engineers to get them to print them for me... Being IT I might be able to bribe xD
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iflyoften on November 20, 2013
I have printed them out 8-1/2 X 11, figure out the correct percentage, go to Fed Ex or UPS, and print them out for about $2.50 per print. Built the Old Fogy that way.
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Dagger_117 on November 18, 2013
I'm gonna have to do this too...great idea!
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donnyb on November 18, 2013
That's a great idea, it also supports your local business!
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Phoenix1962 on November 19, 2013
That is a good Idea! I design my own, and since I have an associates in CAD. I can have mine printed directly from a file at the Yakima Bindery. I've been working on dividing them into sectioned drawings and converting them to PDF files so I can share them with others. If I could distribute them as DWG files they could just have them printed out full scale, and have what you've got. Some of my template pieces won't fit on 8.5 X 11, but not worth wasting two sheets on.
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Rcairplanenoob on November 18, 2013
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jw423 on November 19, 2013
That is a great deal! They want $5.00 a sheet where I live.

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tomy2gunn on November 18, 2013
Look at all the TIME your gonna save...........What a GREAT idea..

Thanks Tomy2gunn
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senator63 on December 11, 2013
I'm new to scratch building and don't quite understand what all of you are saying. Do you print out one set on 8x11 and then take it to kinkos to get it blown up to full size?
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Why waste printer ink / Tape