025: SleepyC from FlyingGiants.com/ RCGroups.com

by FliteTest | May 6, 2014 | (18) Posted in Podcasts

We had an awesome time with SleepyC (FlyingGiants.com/RCGroups.com) talking about all aspects of the hobby. We talked about RC events, flying giant scale models, huge multirotors and much more!

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jollyswagman on May 7, 2014
How can I be the first??? I've been listening for over an hour! Must be a time zone thing.
Josh don't worry about Dave's comments - most non-Americans (like me) are a bit amazed when we see ammo in a gas station but everywhere's different but we know that most Americans are some of the friendliest people on Earth! I can't wait to see what you find interesting in France (a country I've had a long love affair with).
Anyways..... love the show (so far) interesting chat.
P.S. in Australia we also have big roads and a lot of carpet!
P.P.S. talking of Australia, pleeeeeease come on downunder!
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bwmartens on May 8, 2014
I'd love to see a couple episodes featuring some of SleepyC's large scale stuff!
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Ano Pilot on May 7, 2014
From the UK: where I live is a bit rural, so what you were saying about new concepts in 'community' is exactly right as far as I am concerned. Your shows AND podcasts have made, and are making, all the difference for me. I wonder, are we perhaps witnessing a kind of sea change, with the old style strict-letter-of-the-law clubs gradually disappearing/diminishing and hopefully, although it has NOT entirely happened yet, a new style of albeit safety conscious electric-flight associations starting to fill the vacuum.

I thought: Not the best of podcasts but very calming and very much a blessing. Thanks.
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BigRed1 on May 7, 2014
physically : )
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shadowjig on May 8, 2014
What's The Twitter account for the rcgroups multirotor group? I'd like to follow it.
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Capt Buscemi on May 18, 2014
My favourite podcast of recent times. Loved listening to Sleepy, and very much looking forward to his YouTube show. I'm heading down the road of professional AP/Videography with large multirotors, so I'm very keen to hear someone so accomplished speak on that topic specifically. You guys rock.

And yes, I agree with my fellow countryman jollyswagman. Josh, I know you're a very proud American, but I didn't see anything disrespectful in David's comments re the quirks of the USA. Don't take offense, mate, I'd hate to see your memories of David soured by something like that. Every place has its quirks that an outsider might comment on; I'm sure you'll find the same when you go to Europe, and I'm equally sure you will find 10 positives for every negative.
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andre on May 7, 2014
Great podcast with SleepyC. I'm slowly working my way into flying multirotors to capture video. Nice to hear about the work and effort involved.
The focus on flight safety and respecting the hobby and social boundaries is appreciated.

Can't wait to get mine flying.


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GFergy on May 8, 2014
Great Podcast with SleepyC! With him being so close, you guys should do a Let's Fly with him. I'd love to see one of his monster quads flying along with Alex and his Blackout Mini!
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Flying Fox on November 16, 2014
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025: SleepyC from FlyingGiants.com/ RCGroups.com