3Flite | Parkzone Micro Trojan T-28 Review

by 3FliteUK | March 5, 2013 | (0) Posted in Reviews



In this episode we've got the Parkzone Micro Trojan T-28 review, its a great intermediate plane and is a blast to fly anywhere!, Especially indoors where it really owns the skies!
We talk about the product design, the pro's and cons plus tons of other information on this Micro plane!
We then take it outdoors and show off it's flying styles on a lovely spring evening!
Thanks for watching follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/3Flite_RC
And remember to check out our other video's on our channel!


Lynnsabcs on March 7, 2013
Good job on your videos and efforts. Tell your parents this 64 old grand dad said to encourage you guys in your hobby. Good future ahead for 2 such bright lads.
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3FliteUK on March 9, 2013
Thanks loads friend, our parents support us loads and it wouldnt be what it is without them!
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Adib Vahedi on March 6, 2013
Keep going i have no idea why no one leaves coments for the awesomest kids ever (and me) u guys are great flyers and great camera man! Good unboxing thanks for the details! :)

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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3Flite | Parkzone Micro Trojan T-28 Review