Bixler Meets Building

by ABQ Bobcat | November 24, 2012 | (6) Posted in Just Fun

After I launched, I noticed my gyros were too sensitive so I attempted to bring it down quickly to remedy the situation.  Unfortunately I had too much speed and did a poor job of reacting to what was happening.  And so my Bixler 2 had an intimate meeting with the science building...


LanMark on November 25, 2012
yikes.. could have been a lot worse I guess... can't you just dead stick it or whatever it would be called.. aka: no throttle and have a better failure.. I guess you probably didn't think you wouldn't be able to land it after it came around.
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ABQ Bobcat on November 25, 2012
When I saw that it was coming in too fast to put it down in front of me, I tried giving it power to see if I could make it climb and not hit the building. Looks like I just made it hit the building faster.
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LanMark on November 25, 2012
ouch.. well for the plane.. at least it didn't hit any people or probably do any damage outside of the craft itself.
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ABQ Bobcat on November 25, 2012
And credit to HK for making a solid aircraft. I took it inside, hot glued it back together and was in the air in 15 minutes.
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Benn Gunn on November 26, 2012
The Bixler float????
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Bixler Meets Building