DIY Servo Y-Harness

by lonewolf7717 | October 30, 2012 | (5) Posted in Projects

Frustrated with store bought y-harness that never fit my scratchbuilds without too much wire here or too little there and trying to limit unnecessary servo extensions. I decided to make my own. Have never had one fail on me, even with two 13g digital servos running at 6v.


JackmanFlicks on November 6, 2012
Great stuff! I tried to make one with just wire connections ( A nightmare, almost burnt my fingers off) thanks for the info!
(what video editing software did you use. I liked the text / and music)
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lonewolf7717 on November 7, 2012
power director 10, it will never be a sony vegas pro but a very capable program for under $100.00. Good starting point at least.
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lonewolf7717 on October 31, 2012
Should be noted, although most likely obvious I will typically make 5 or 6 of these boards at one time. Stash them away, ready for wires to be soldered to on future builds. Kinda a pain to do one at a time but no biggie to knock out several in one sitting.
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Benn Gunn on October 31, 2012
really clever stuff this....
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DIY Servo Y-Harness