My Thrust Meter

by kronosrobotics | November 15, 2012 | (24) Posted in Projects

I just finished my latest thrust meter.  It works very well, much better than my last two meter builds.


If you want to see details be sure to vote it up.  If I see enough interest I will do a dedicated web page on its construction.  Don't let the CNC through you off. It can be built with a jig or scroll saw or using three straight boards.  The key is to make a C shape.



tramsgar on November 17, 2012
Seems like a good model - thanks! I'd like it very much if you make a page with details.
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pitts special on November 26, 2012
I like the way you kept the design simple.five stars
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kronosrobotics on November 16, 2012
The meter zeros when its turned on.

The problem with adding dialog to something to a video like this is that instead of taking minutes to produce, it takes hours. If that was the case I would never get the actual projects I am working on completed.

For details I prefer to do a web page. That way any pictures and content can be used in the book I am in the process of writing.

I use flitetest as a gauge to help me gauge the interest of certain projects.

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LanMark on November 16, 2012
Nice motor tester... hook up a EagleTree logger and get all sorts of interesting data. So do you zero it once you have the motor attached?

Also don't like the music covering up the entire video, would much prefer dialog or at the end to really hear the motor and see some of the thrust measurements.

Great concept and design.
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Carmatious on December 11, 2012
Why cant I rate?
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IamNabil on December 16, 2012
The meter seems pretty great, but I am more interested in your tools. I want them for myself! :)

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kronosrobotics on December 16, 2012
I built the CNC myself. You can too, I wrote a book on how to do it.

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My Thrust Meter