Planform Morphing Airframe Rotor Disc Control (No Swash Plate)

by davh12 | October 24, 2012 | (3) Posted in Projects

Spent a couple of years trying to prove this platform concept. It was intended to be a design for a manned platform, but right now ...small scale testing. One patent and a hand full of crashes to date...almost satisfied. Two separate airframes inter-connected. Some have called it weight shifting, but it's not the typical "linear shift" of weight within a rigid static airframe. ...example...weight shifts aft/up during forwar flight. Any change in weight results in airframe in flight reconfiguration changes at equal moments/span of motion of both airframes and rotor disc orientation. Small scale sling load test hopefully this next week.

Outdoor Flight and other observations after hard landing:




davh12 on November 1, 2012
Finished the gear alignment, electrical, soldering etc. Hope to have most of the reassembly done today. Tomorrow for certain.
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Planform Morphing Airframe Rotor Disc Control (No...