Scratchbuilt Motorglider Lastivka

by WizzyWiggs | November 1, 2012 | (14) Posted in Just Fun

What can I say, this is so far the best scratchbuilt plane I have built and successfully flown and also, I have had a blast making it . My last plane in my fleet and what a way to end it! Thanks to Ed from Experimental Airlines, this is such a genius plane to come with (search for Photon build videos), it is built using packing colored tape and DollarTree foamboard , the plane itself is worth around $5.

Just awesome, can't stop bragging about it. I think everyone should build one of these, just because it's so easy and cheap! 


Here is the video of Applying Decals to the Wing 


Dagger_117 on November 1, 2012
Great job on the build...looks awesome!
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WizzyWiggs on November 2, 2012
Thanks mate, I appreciate your comment.
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Jeriah on November 3, 2012
nice plane! did you design the plane youself?
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WizzyWiggs on November 3, 2012
Jeriah, no I have not come up with the sratchbuilt concept for this plane. Ed, from Experimental Airlines have created it. He has detailed videos on his channel describing how to create airfoil wings, fuselages, and tail sections from dollar foam board. Pretty amazing, the only few modifications I did was to the hatch, the motor mount and some interior placement for electronics. Very easy to build and install everything.
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Franzke on November 4, 2012
Great design, fantastic decals. I like it a lot.
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Kevd on November 3, 2012
Love your plane, great job. Could you please tell me the name of the sound track you used in the video.
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WizzyWiggs on November 3, 2012
Sure, man. The soundtrack is called "Wings" from Hardrox Remix, here is the link to Amazon MP3 track:
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Scratchbuilt Motorglider Lastivka