Super cub mini Mod

by new york flyer | July 16, 2012 | (4) Posted in Projects

Did a full conversion of the super cub mini by Hobby zone.

Running on 72mhz FM ppm digital system (futaba)

10amp Hobby king speed controller

2 Hobby king servos

2000kv Turnigy motor and a 800mah 2 cell Turnigy lipo.

End results are very stable and full of power to spare.

Did a little carbon cub paint scheme on it.

Hopped my little fpv cam and got some great footage.  Enjoy


SactoFly on July 18, 2012
Sounds like a great idea for the mini cub, since the original setup was always weak. Can you post some images of the actual plane and your mods too? That would bump your rating and help us to understand how you fit the new gear. Cheers!
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new york flyer on November 13, 2012
Hey there. Sorry for the so late reply, things have been busy here and we just went through Hurricane Sandy in NY, I will give you guys a quick look at the mod for the super cub mini soon. Its a mod downsized from my Super cub. So it works for both standard size and mini. also a quick look at its paint scheme from Cubcrafters!

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new york flyer on March 30, 2013
Well the ailerons for me not really a challenge. I added a polystyrene rudder and elevator combo. that stuff is unbreakable. And with the power this setup has i can stay up there for quite a while. Also the Prop is not your standard prop, its a high torque air screw, can whip that little cub vertical on the take off :-)
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rcpilot39 on March 29, 2013
I have alerons and a huge BL and a 3s 860mAh in mine and big wheels. It is a hoot. I strongly recomend upgradeing and trying it.
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Super cub mini Mod