A-2 " VAMP" ( fpv plane )

by nathauff | August 19, 2013 | (4) Posted in Projects

Hi, now, I decided to make an fpv airplane

 it my 8th plane. I named A-2 " vamp" because it's my 2nd advenced plane and it looks like the vampire 

it's a 1100 kv motor with 3s/ 1000mA li-po ( damaged by a prop )


I build it with 3 fuselage 

and a one block wing


here the first launch:

This plane can also wear a GoPro; so, I hade to make a hull


and so there's the flight

but I had to paint it anyway


rcspaceflight on August 20, 2013
Wow. That looks really stable for how small the rudders are.

The plane looks great and I may have to copy it a bit. I've always wanted to build a plane similar to this.
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nathauff on August 20, 2013
thanks. it a 110 mm wingspan
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Arend on August 20, 2013
fuselage, fuselages ... interesting question what the real plural would be. You did not only advance flight, you also exceeded beyond the limits of grammar - good job! Does the wing have an airfoil or a step? Cheers Arend
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nathauff on August 20, 2013
sorry I'm french...
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nathauff on August 20, 2013
and the wing have an airfoil

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Arend on August 20, 2013
sorry, that wasn't criticism but meant as an honest compliment, cheers Arend
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nathauff on August 20, 2013
it doesn't matter. thank you
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RCairforce on August 26, 2013
Awesome plane, loved the flight video and aerobatics, maybe a swappable version next?
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RayInFlight on August 25, 2013
it is a really nice plane. and i love the flight videos. any chance for the plan?
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Jake Crawford on August 20, 2013
Nice paint job. But you might want to be careful flying with that battery. You probably already know that but if the prop made a tiny cut that is to small to see or miss, it will explode after a few runs, even with electrical tape on it. But still nice job on the plane. I really enjoyed watching it fly.
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A-2 " VAMP" ( fpv plane )