Black knight now "Flown With Dragon Link"

by Rubnorris | February 4, 2013 | (4) Posted in Just Fun






Rubnorris on February 5, 2013
Oh yeah, i know what you mean. Its just a fun small plane that can take alot of hits with no down time to fix it. So i take that into account. And i fell like im in a video game when in flying it. It can fly smooth and level but i like the way it makes me feel going fast dipping and diving. Thank you for checking it out.
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squishy on February 5, 2013
Awesome video I love this one! Good job with the editing rub..
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Rubnorris on February 5, 2013
Thank you squishy.
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Lubis on February 5, 2013
Really nice footage and editing
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Rubnorris on February 5, 2013
Thanks Lubis, power director helps alot and easy to use.
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ITCyoy543 on February 6, 2013
i need to get a plane that can carry a camera O.O
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Rubnorris on February 7, 2013
This might be a good idea.... ;)
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LanMark on February 5, 2013
awesome flying. I don't fly planes but I am not a fan of the constant left, right, left, right banking.. I know this is due to the lack of control surfaces of the flying wing. I have always thought it would be fun to fly a plane but I would have to get one with a rudder just so my videos don't have so much side to side adjustments. It would be interesting to see a roll gimbal on a flying wing and how much it takes out of the side to side motions... not that you could FPV with such a gimbal
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Black knight now "Flown With Dragon Link"