FT Cruiser with Retracts

by Dropkickjohny | May 2, 2013 | (12) Posted in Just Fun

FT Crusier with Retracts!

  • FT Crusier Speedbuild kit
  • 2 Power Up 400 Sport motors - 1050kv
  • 2 HURC 22 Amp ESCs
  • 2 8x4 APC props
  • 2 digital servoless retract units
  • 6 9gram HobbyKing servos
  • probably too much hot glue and tape!

Video is of the maiden flight of my FT Cruiser.  The flight went ok other than losing one of the landing gear struts when I went to drop the retracts for landing.  She survided the belly landing just fine.  I was a bit dissapointed with the speed of the Cruiser at full throttle.  I think some higher KV motors might be able to solve that situation. Thanks for watching/reading!  Cheers!


RotateB4TheEnd on May 3, 2013
It's hard to tell from the video, but the retracts look a little long. You might be able to shave off another .5-1 in. and still have ample propeller clearance. This might help with your tail heavy problem.
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Dropkickjohny on May 3, 2013
That's part of the plan for version 2 of the retract setup.
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hart on May 6, 2013
Oh very nice! Looking forward to seeing v2 :)
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rcspaceflight on May 6, 2013
Why don't you have counter rotating props?!? It looks like both of your props spin in the same direction. Half of the benefit of a twin engine is to have counter rotating props so it flies straight and true.
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brandx on May 3, 2013
Hi, nice idea to add. Looks like it is slightly tail heavy with retracts up.
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jupakos79 on May 3, 2013
Very cool man. You should add some close up pictures of how you have the retracts set up
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Dropkickjohny on May 3, 2013
That will be coming up when I rebuild the power pods to cut some weight down.
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Benn Gunn on May 4, 2013
like the idea... looks neat keep at it ... you could always try bigger donks!!
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BirdMan9876 on May 1, 2014
Yea, V2 sounds like it is going to have to have a whole build video to show how you did it all! this is just amazing work!
-Good Job. Keep it up!
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FT Cruiser with Retracts