GP3box - A light box for your Gopro3 - NEW PRICE

by iacei | July 12, 2013 | (0) Posted in Projects

Hi folks,


I recently bought a Gopro 3 and wanted a light-weight Case with a replaceable lens protection.

As I did not find cheap solutions I asked my friend which has a cnc: What don’t we produce it ourselves?

Some thinking, sketches and tests after that the GP3-Box was born.



Here the main specs:

- Light

- affordable

- should protect the whole Gopro and not only the lens

- Lens protection is easy and cheap to replace


The lens protection is a UV filter, it is simply screwed like on a DSLR. The screw is compatible with all matching photography accessories. So If you break or scratch the UV filter you can replace it easily. You can also change to a polarisation filter or whatever you want to make some shots with special effects.

 For transportation you can also buy a cheap 1$ snap-on to protect even more your gopro (must be bought your side).


We wanted to have an affordable but most of all a practical solution,costs in Luxemburg are important so we had to deal with it and we hope you won’t find it excessive


New Price:  35USD including international shipping (Only US+EU at the moment) which includes:


- 2 DIY Kits (yes 2 boxes so you have spare parts) 

- 1 Adapter ring 

- 1 UV Filter

You can get spare UV filters for cheap here:

37mm UltraViolet UV Lens Filters Filter Protector Ultra-thin Free Shipping! - US$2.85


At the moment we will only sell the wood Kit but we’ll see how it goes in the future if people are interested with a black G10 or Carbon Fiber model.



 Please check our Stock status before ordering otherwise you will have to wait a very long time as some of the parts are not produced locally.


To order, click here:                   


FAQ / Infos:


-       Why a UV filter?:  Many photographers and cinematographers still use UV filters as protection for their lenses, due to their low cost and lack of effect on the exposure of the shot.

-       Why Wood? : Because it’s cheap and we wanted to have an affordable solution. But we may work on a black G10 version in the future.

-       Luxemburg?: Small country in the middle of Europe (no Europe is not a country :D )

-       Support?: Currently we have a support thread with happy customers, I'll will make another one on RC Groups when I have time.

-       Is the picture completely free of artefacts?  Not completely, everything is ok on 1080p or 720p or any 16/9 resolution but you can see the protective lens on the 4/3 formats

-       Use Wood / White Glue instead of CA, it will give you a much better bond.

-       Don't press the parts together too much while glueing or the Gopro won't fit anymore, it is made to be a tight fit

-       The Boxes come unpainted




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GP3box - A light box for your Gopro3 - NEW PRICE