Land Art Mont-St-Hilaire

by Dizifilms | November 11, 2013 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

If you can find theses kind of event in the world it's owsom to shoot in the air!

look at:

Lots of it in the world!





Land art is to be understood as an artistic protest against the perceived artificiality, plastic aesthetics and ruthless commercialization of art at the end of the 1960s in America.[citation needed] Exponents of land art rejected the museumor gallery as the setting of artistic activity and developed monumental landscape projects which were beyond the reach of traditional transportable sculpture and the commercial art market. Land art was inspired by minimal art andConceptual art but also by modern movements such as De Stijlcubismminimalism and the work of Constantin Brâncuși and Joseph Beuys. Many of the artists associated with land art had been involved with minimal art andconceptual artIsamu Noguchi's 1941 design for Contoured Playground in New York is sometimes interpreted as an important early piece of land art even though the artist himself never called his work "land art" but simply "sculpture". His influence on contemporary land art, landscape architecture and environmental sculpture is evident in many works today.


mioh on November 28, 2013
Great video! Really like the color scheme used.
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Land Art Mont-St-Hilaire