Main Blades, Cheap vs better quality.

by x3mperformance | March 2, 2013 | (0) Posted in Tips

Here's a small video about main blades for helikopters, what to look for, about Flybarless vs. Flybar blades and what to look out for..



This video made some fuss about the cheap blades at some heli forums and it got a lot of publicity.

But there's no way arround a proper balance of your main blades, cheap or expensive, big or small, and if you fly with a flybarless chopper, you sure need to balance them correct, since the flight controller are a bit touchy about vibez. And this will make the heli fly odd.

I must apollegise for my rather bad english, since it's not my common language, and i do sound a bit head cold.

Happy flying.





Episode 1 is about the balanceing, but it's in Danish no sub. Sorry.


Adib Vahedi on March 3, 2013
Thanks for the tips and the blades!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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x3mperformance on March 4, 2013
And there will be a video of how to balance the blades properly, too.
Keep an eye out for that.

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Main Blades, Cheap vs better quality.