Mighty Mini Ft Bloody Wonder

by Klinger RC | June 16, 2014 | (0) Posted in Projects

This is my first article so bare with me...


Here is a size comparison with the Dx6i. I mentioned this in the video but i'll say it again, all i did was print the plans at 60%, and mounted the motor directly on-to the plane(no power pod). It has a balsa wood spar and the top surface of the wing is 3mm depron, everything else is regular DollarTree foamboard. It uses the standard 9g servos. I have attempted vertical takeoffs, but the torque of the motor pretty much makes it impossible. Once it gets up in the air, it is pretty quick.

I used the Lazertoyz blue wonder and a 3s 850mah 25c battery to power it in the video.

It still needs some tuning. I think maybe a little less throw and more expo. I might try it on 2s to see if that slows it down. Other than that, it flys pretty good. You can subscribe to me on youtube at:



Bellows on October 14, 2014
Very nicely done. Good job!!
I may build one myself like this,
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Mighty Mini Ft Bloody Wonder