Sick Day build.

by cableline01 | May 15, 2013 | (6) Posted in Just Fun

Sick day build. I wanted to make a glider to fly when i new ESC and motor comes in.

The tail was made skinner to save weight and for better look. I used a method used on the scratch builds on FT

I added 3 servos to the plane to control the elevator and rudder the 3rd one is for the bomb bay doors in the bottom. I use Hobby Lobby craft store plant wire for push rods. they are flexable but ridged. I had to add runners for the wire to sta strait and not flex.

Paint job time... i used what I could find around the house. So red and orange were the colors so I can tell the diffrence between the top and bottom in flight. Did alot of light coats to come up with the color.

The wing span is 60" with a 6" cord. the servos have been mounted in the wing and wires ran thru the wing.

This is the orange under side. This should make it eaiser to se in the sky. I added the bomb bay door under with wing for balance. They are 50/50% doors for smoth action.

After the paint had dried and checking for CG about 1/3 back on the front wing.

Pic of the bomb bay doors closed.

The doors open smooth and for such a small space it holds alot. I am going to make a man drop fom the glider.  

this was a fun poject to do and not be in bed all day. Cant wait to fly it. Will post updates after first flight. 


advation on May 30, 2013
Nice build - Did anything warp after painting?
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cableline01 on May 30, 2013
Not that time i ran out of clear tape. the one I am building now is taped. The plane flew ok but it was real windy, maybe 20+mph so it took a hard landing and broke the front tube. The one i am building now is a take off of the specta v2.
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EndoftheRoadRC on May 30, 2013
looks great
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baconflyer on June 3, 2013
awesome build! should fly very well. I did something similar a while ago, but with a 90" span and a 60" fuse, and with flaps and ailerons to allow camber, reflex, crow, regular flaps, and differential crow (more crow on one wing than the other, allows for crazy flat spins and other awesome things) it flew really nicely, and was really fun with fpv installed. however, I had a lockout on my 9x while flying fpv and it went into a tree, completely destroying the airframe =( there are a couple videos of it on my youtube channel rcllamadude.
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Sick Day build.