Thrust Angles on Pushers

by Corsair2014 | May 27, 2013 | (8) Posted in Tips


In this video i explain thrust angles and how to know what angle your motor should be at(:


Basically, you want to make sure that your motor’s center of thrust goes directly through your aircraft’s center of gravity, which is on top of the wing.





In affect, moving the motor farther towards the rear of the plane reduces the amount of down angle needed when the motor is mounted high on a pylon, like this

2013-05-23 18.20.07



Before I knew about thrust angles, i Mounted the motor up high on a pylon for prop clearance. Unknowingly, i created a large lever that wanted to push the plane down/flip it forward. To try and fix this, i added down angle as shown above. It still didn’t work, and i then realized that the thrust must go through the CG. I fixed the problem by lowering the motor into the thrust centerline.

2013-05-27 11.17.12


eiichi kogura on June 3, 2013
Thank you very much for your explanation.
I have an eagle's glider. Before motor pylon is from the center of gravity.

The tilt in the theory of not.
At the center of gravity to promote and make the reverse movement. On start.
Wing's angle of attack to be negative, it's a very well.
Research in progress.
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rcspaceflight on June 3, 2013
Thanks for the tip. I'll have to keep this in mind when I build the pusher style I want.

You could always add landing gear. Something simple that just keeps the prop from hitting the ground.
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Rubnorris on June 2, 2013
Good Video sir!
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dammuozz on June 3, 2013
if the motor is rated for a 9x5 prop is not gonna work well with a 6x4, Maybe a more higher kv motor would help. I have a depron F22 with little space for the prop and i use a 7x4 and a D2826-6 2200kv Outrunner fro example, or you could use even higher kv motors to use smaller props like EDF's ones. Or a 9x5 folding prop!! :)
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ghostrider03z on June 2, 2013
Nice job man!
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Corsair2014 on June 2, 2013
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Thrust Angles on Pushers