Turnstile Antenna

by rchacker | July 16, 2014 | (0) Posted in Projects


DIY build sheet: http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=cmNoYWNrZXIuY29tfHJjaGFja2VyfGd4OjdiNGVmNzIwY2MxMDhmZDA

The turnstile antenna. Good for long distance but not high altitude. The best way to mount this antenna is probably not the way you think. Mounted properly this antenna will give good reception to the front rear and sides. Best used on the aircraft with the moxon on the ground. Although you may find that the vee antenna is a better antenna for in the air.

4:40 Basic turnstile radiation pattern:
6:22 horizontally polarised pattern.
7:00 vertically polarised pattern.
9:32 Flat mounted with coax radiation pattern.
12:35 Properly mounted with coax radiation pattern.
14:00 Turnstile with a droop angle.
15:33 Droop angle with coax.
16:05 Turnstile modelled with aircraft parts and coax.

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Turnstile Antenna