yaw mech for tricopter

by cade861 | April 17, 2013 | (5) Posted in Tips

Well I know there is a lot of people wanting to build David's tricopter and well needless to say most of us are unable to get the front steering mechanism for the yaw control on his tricopter and I just could'nt wait who knows how long for hobbyking to get the product back in stock so I set out to find something else that would work. So I came up with the exact same thing using different parts with some modification.

So I found these at my not so local hobby store (I live in a small town and next closet big town is 2 hours away) but I go often to just goof around so I decided to stop at one of the hobby stores and found these they needed some modification to make work but I thought that will do. And on top that it supported my not so local hobbyshop and I was able to get it before my stuff came from hong kong.

Both pieces looked like this so i had to use my dremel and cut away some of the material. Use time and patience to get this to fit properly without any slop in it.

Here is what I came up with I got them to fit together pretty well then I cleaned it up with some sand paper and got it to where it was smooth to operate and had no binding or slop.

I did have to cut a little on both ends of my bottom piece but I left the top untouched.

Here is with the screw in it. Top view before the motor mount was mounted on used the back two holes where the screw was inserted for zip ties and drilled another hole on one side for a third mounting point.

Here it is with the motor mount mounted I drilled one hole in it the back two lined up.


Conclusion I have not tested because I just recieved my parts from hong kong today and havent had time to complete the tricopter. If anybody thinks this wont work let me know and after I try it I will update this post hopefully by Monday I will be able to test it.


Gsouth on April 21, 2013
Thanks for showing the name on the package. That makes it possible to search for alternative sources.

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yaw mech for tricopter