Baby Blender Custom 3D Printed Motor Mount

by BackyardRC | August 26, 2013 | (0) Posted in Projects

This past weekend I designed a custom motor mount for my Baby Blender build. Check out the full write up at

Then download the .stl file on thingiverse and print your own mount!

Below are a few pictures of the mount. Hope you enjoy!

-Miles of BackyardRC


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LordVader on August 31, 2013
You are doing some great stuff. I would love to get into 3D printing. It would only be a hobby though. I would love to find a good, used 3D printer that I could print out parts as big as maybe a wing at least 15 inches long or so. Even sides of the fuse, tail or vertical stabs. Keep up the good work. I always interested in your articles.
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alibopo on August 28, 2013
Hi backyard RC, this looks very neat. I'm very envious of your 3D printer! Regarding the design I'd want the brackets at the back to be a bit longer to tie-in more to the fuselage - but then I'm a belt and braces man! Maybe instead of tapering the brackets they could be longer and flat with a little right angled tab on the end that could snap-in to a cut out in the foam? That plus a pile of hot glue would keep it all in place :)
I see you added a couple of braces from the top wing onto the fuselage - wish I'd done that. My BB bottom wing collapsed on my last (admittedly very rough) landing. Cheers, Alibopo.
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BackyardRC on August 28, 2013
Thank you Alibopo for the feedback. I just got my 3D printer a few months ago and I love it. I'm using a Cube 3D printer (Staples is now stocking them on their website). It was about $1,200. It's definitely entry level and has some weaknesses but it is just fine for this type of hobby builds.

I like what you are saying about adding in tabs. I'll have to include this into the next version. I'll also have to report back after a bunch of flights on how it's holding up. For now it is rock solid with just hot glue and this shape.

Thanks again for the comment. Happy flying!
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Baby Blender Custom 3D Printed Motor Mount