002 - "I Like Rivets"

by FliteTest Community Cast | November 11, 2015 | (15) Posted in Podcasts

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Show Notes:

  • Quick shout out to the FTAH guys for giving us a shoutout and also the Crashcast Crew for their shoutout as well!
  • Ben Greenewalt ripped off by someone “selling” a NAZA.  Info from my chat with Big Ben:

"So guy put up that naza m Lite I was buying for 75$. I paid him thru PayPal and waited to get tracking info. Nothing wont answer me on messenger now. Email is shut down and now the Facebook account is too. Filed a police report contacted PayPal they're "reviewing" it so hopefully I'll get my money back"

Joshua Orchard:

Welcome to the New Members:

almightyadam 10-22 http://forum.flitetest.com/showthread.php?22647-MultiRotor-project-please-help!

TheSymaMan 10-22 http://forum.flitetest.com/showthread.php?22652-X5C-1-Motor-Performance-Related-to-Battery

DesertFerg72  10-21 http://forum.flitetest.com/showthread.php?22607-My-first-Build-Ever

NSsFlyer         11-07http://forum.flitetest.com/showthread.php?22958-DLG-Show

lesson97      11-08 http://forum.flitetest.com/showthread.php?22973-Complete-noob-building-electrohub-quad

rasq               11-05 http://forum.flitetest.com/showthread.php?22914-Help-with-Lipo-charger



Nvr2Late on November 11, 2015
Love the show and format! Its great to hear a different side to Flite Test and from the people that make this a great community. Keep up the great work!!!
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themajik1 on November 11, 2015
Thanks Nvr2Late, we appreciate the support. We hope that everyone enjoys wha be are doing, I know we are having fun doing it! Make sure to subscribe, and I know we will have more and really cool stuff coming in the future! We really do like be this community!
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Flynn on November 12, 2015
Just heard the latest! They keep getting better! Thanks for all the hard work!
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GluedFingers on December 3, 2015
Any chance we can get a good picture of the re-purposed electrical part Josh used for the wing build? I nice picture of how he used it would be awesome as well. I couldn't find a good picture of it or find it on Josh's YouTube channel.
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earthsciteach on November 14, 2015
If you haven't seen the build video, here it is. My favorite part is where Asbjorn blankly stares at Josh while he is filming. LOL!!!! I totally forgot about this moment until I just watched the vid. That was Thursday night and everyone was already fried! FTFF was tough on the volunteer side of things this year due to the weather. Very stressful, but in the end, it came off well! That is due to our great community!
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HilldaFlyer on January 10, 2016
Just picked up and started listening to this podcast. I would have loved to been a part of this discussion. Composites rule! Before I was following Flite Test, I was using composites and foam from Home Depot. After hooking up with Flite Test, I Now build my scratch models with fiberglass skinned foam. Check it out... Nothing better...

I'm going to try the fiberglass cloth with polycrylic. Sounds really inviting.
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spastickitten on November 14, 2015
Awesome, it's so cool to hear real people talk for stuff on the forum, can't wait for the third.
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002 - "I Like Rivets"