072 Pro AP Cameraman - Duncan Clark

by FliteTest | April 29, 2015 | (5) Posted in Podcasts

As a follow up to a recent podcast, we have professional cameraman Duncan Clark on the show to talk about his experience in using multirotors to enhance the production quality of cable television shows. 


Audio Link

Duncan has found a way to integrate aerial photography as less expensive, more effective way to get some really unique shots for the shows he works on. 

We talk about his set up, shooting with creativity, working with television production companies, saftey, legal aspects and economic aspects of his job. 


Have an idea for who should be on the podcast?

Let me know on Twitter: @austinfurey  


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Austin's Instagram: @austinfurey
Eric's Instagram: @ericmonroe74
FTAfterhours Instagram: @ftafterhours 

Have a thought about the show?
Rate us in iTunes! It helps us out a lot. :)

Leave us a voicemail to play on the show!


RC Flying Adventures on May 1, 2015
I would really like to see a review of Alex's QAV400!
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BattleAndroid on May 8, 2015
Thank you guys so much!! Very informative and well done. It was really cool listening to Eric and Duncan meet and discuss their craft. I have so much to learn! Best wishes
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OKW4 on April 29, 2015
Great pod cast.......you know..... Might have been said a little too often.
Love the idea of being able to make money doing something you love.
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blueskiesrc on April 29, 2015
Mythbusters?! That's awesome
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072 Pro AP Cameraman - Duncan Clark