New Bird for my new video combo.
900mm Popwing
30 amp proton esc,1250kv T motor,8/4.5 folding prop from Hobby King,
2200 mah Zippy blue,
Plug n play 200mw 900mhz vtrx/900mhz 12 channel Rx,Sony 420 tv line camera,diy 910mhz dipole antennas.
H.K. orange servos ,Frsky receiver,Turnigy 9x with Frsky diy 2.4,
FatShark goggles, Eagletree diversity,and Foxteck dvr.
Thank you RedCloud for filming me with your gopro. Nice shooting!
First I modified the battery tray to fit my 2200mah lipos,and Cut a piece of cor-flute to sit under the battery.I used ShooGoo to glue the core-flute to the underbelly. ShooGoo is light ,strong,and sticks to the foam well.
Like the Joshes review of the Bonsai,) used ShooGoo on the leading edge.
Velcro strap to hold things in place.
The stock antenna were a bit large so RedCloud whipped me up some lighter ones.=)Much Better!
Frsky Rx on one end with the servo leads tucked in and a film of shoogoo applied.
Filter for 900mhz from ReadymadeRC
I have yet to put the Vrx in the wing.(that is a 200mw900mhz video Tx with a old esc heat sink heatshrunk to it.I just wanted to keep it cool and dry.)
The camera is alright, not the best but does the job. We will see how it holds up.
Heatshrunk the camera so it stays dry as well.
I tapped into the esc and made a JST power supply for my video gear
Still need to clean up some wires and install an osd,but she is coming along nicely.

Thanks people.
If you dug it rate it!
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Good job as always. 5 stars/ the snow yea I hear ya
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So far we tested the stock 900mhz out close to 600.The dipoles are very simple and much lighter,the picture is less fuzzy as well.
Good to hear you have a touch of soul lonewolf.
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