Canberra Fun Run

by jaycronans | September 13, 2012 | (3) Posted in Just Fun

Ok so this was my 1st quad video. I know I have some major vibration issues but I actually changed how I attached the Gopro to the quad the night before the run and didn't get to test it that much and well.... you see the the results... I  am more disappointed than any of you will be.. Anyway I have now sorted it .... YES.... Motors, props were and are Balanced.. .. it was actually a combination of extending the Monopod out to far, not adding enough antivibration foam and  but thee main issue was dud Prop adapter that I must of bumped.. so yeah all sorted now and I'm putting together some more vids so stay tuned... That's if I don't crash before then. 


LanMark on September 13, 2012
yeah you got to start somewhere.
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bear3103 on September 13, 2012
Everyones got to start somewhere , Ime still building a tricopter a H-quad for FPV and a quad to have fun with. Video's not to bad at all so I would imagine it getting better with the mods. Keep up the good work.

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Canberra Fun Run