RC Rockwell ATF

by HoriAkuma | October 18, 2012 | (17) Posted in Projects

This is the Rockwell ATF. One of the two designs submitted by Rockwell International for the Air Force 1982 R.F.I., an early "stealth" long range attack fighter.




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One of my first designs using Google Sketchup.

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After teaching myself how to use the program, several YouTube tutorials later, I finally printed a set of plans! Took about an hour to cut, and about two more to assemble the body, minus electronics. I used 3 9-gram metal gear servos, a Grayson Hobby SuperSonic V2 with a 30 amp ESC, and a 3 cell 2200 mah battery. Set up with flaperons and an elevator. Flew incredibly well, super steady yet nimble. Can't wait to fly it again!

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Thanks for checking it out, and let me know what you think!


tramsgar on October 18, 2012
Looks good!
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Jake Wells on October 18, 2012
SICK! 5 stars.
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HoriAkuma on October 18, 2012
Thanks, Jake, appreciate it!
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jetpackninja on October 18, 2012
Awesome design work.
Nice catch!
Where do you live?
Looks like you are out in the desert ;)
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HoriAkuma on October 18, 2012
Hey thanks! I live in beautiful Tucson, Arizona...
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Hasersys on October 18, 2012
I really like this plane, I would love to build one in the future! I wish I were better at sketch up. Awesome plane!
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HoriAkuma on October 18, 2012
Thank you so much! Sketchup wasn't too bad, my advice is to go thru the beginning tutorials and learn how to make a basic house, before trying any sort of rc plane. Once you are familiar with the tools, how they work and what they all do, then go for the plane. Don't forget there's tons of tutorials out there, everything from designing the plane to printing the plans out correctly, and it was all done with free software! Good luck!
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casehatter on October 21, 2012
Good job and it flys very scale like as well I think you hit this one out of the park.
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HoriAkuma on October 22, 2012
Thank you so much!!! Really appreciate it....
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ABQ Bobcat on October 18, 2012
Any chance you're going to make those plans available to the public?
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HoriAkuma on October 19, 2012
Not really, but if you send me a private message with your email I'd be more than happy to send you a copy, providing you will post pics and or vids of what you made... And let me know what you think, I'm really looking for genuine feedback on this one... : )
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RC Rockwell ATF