Setting up GoPro App for hero 3

by rctestbench | January 3, 2013 | (3) Posted in Tips

This video is not really a flight equipment video but it shows how to get your new Hero 3 working with your iphone so you can connect to the Hero 3, Preview the shot and control your camera, resolution, frame rate, FOV, shooting mode, video, photo, burst, time lapse.

The application of this app for rc flight hobbies is awesome.

Since there is a 3 second delay from the camera to the preview in the app, it is obviously not good for fpv.

But if you are using the hero to record your hd video in flight it can really help set up you shot and change settings on the fly.  Start or stop the video or take pictures.

I have a Hero 3 Black Edition and had to wait til mid December to upgrade my firmware to enable the app, but it is awesome.

If you have a Hero 3 and you are not using this app yet, check it out.

Beware, the wifi chews up batteries so make sure you have some spares if you are going to leave it on.

Or you can turn on the wifi to set up the camera angle, then turn off the wifi.


fileorgin on May 29, 2017
Setting up the GoPro app is mess if it's first time, recently TuTuApp has released a detailed guide on configuration of the app. Go download the GoPro app from there.
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Setting up GoPro App for hero 3