Faking it

by Benn Gunn | January 3, 2013 | (8) Posted in Tips

I needed a extra Spectrum receiver for a new delta jet I had just built. At this time of year money is tight so it looked as if I was going to have to try the orange RX, which I frankly did not fancy as I confess I like everything to be all the same gear…..

Behold I looked on E-bay and there it was a brand new Spectrum receiver exactly the same as my original… but only $10.00……. bought it … fitted it........... and …. 'well the photo speaks for its self'.


Please note… this is the receiver I bought from E-bay …. Looks good, not cheap at all .....exactly the same as my original….

At about 200 yards distance it decided to STOP being a receiver…. And became a ballast weight helping my aircraft fly at speed, straight to the scene of the accident…..


‘It’s a FAKE’… and I only saw cheap…. Please don’t do as I did…. Be careful….this item did not come from the far East ... from where i buy batterys and motors, servo ect which all work fine... but Ireland.

Can I just say I have now bought an orange RX which works exactly the same as my original spectrum product…. And costs less than the ‘FAKE’….. We live and learn.


Cyberdactyl on January 5, 2013
There are several direct comparisons of the Spektrum and the OrangeRX on RCGROUPS as well as youtube and almost all show the OrangeRX to be on par with the AR receivers. I have two of the OrangeRX 6 chan and one AR8000 and find them very similar in sensitivity.
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Zatoichi on January 5, 2013
Thanks for the tip Benn.
I am able to see only one of the pics you posted.You might try uploading them to your profile on the forum and loading the url.This is what I do.
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Benn Gunn on January 6, 2013
I have real problems uploading photo's to flitetest so i will give that a go ...thanks
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Varmit57 on January 5, 2013
Since returning to this hobby 2 years ago after a 15yr absence, I have bought 8 or 9 Spektrum recivers and at least 20 Orange. I have only had issues with one orange RX and that was after major crash that was my fault.
For my higher dollar planes I don’t mind spending a bit extra for name brand but for my daily beaters and my foamy’s it’s had to spend $50plus on a RX when you have less than $20 in the rest of the plane.

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lobstermash on January 4, 2013
FYI, FrSky make the OrangeRx gear. They are generally good quality and operate right down to 3V! At that voltage the genuine rx has long become ballast.
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Benn Gunn on January 4, 2013
Thanks for the interest... just ordered my second Orange RX so that must make me a convert
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casehatter on January 4, 2013
I use Futaba so I learned real quick that the replacements are a lot cheaper and have had no problems. I lucked out and bought a 7C at a swap meet with only 6 hours man I was so tickled I have 186 hours on my other one with no problems knock on wood. The only catch was the new one is 72mhz. and the new sycorwnized receivers are awsome so far. I hope all is fine Ben and remember don't sweat the small stuff.
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Faking it