SkyEagle microcessna - English Subtitles - FULL REVIEW

by flitetest_argentina | June 26, 2012 | (27) Posted in Reviews

Hey guys, todays episode we have for the first time ENGLISH SUBTITLES! The review is about the SkyEagles from NineEagles distribued by HobbyKing.


Remember, we are an HONORARY  partner of FliteTest and Stonekap Productions Ltd. Remember to check out our website: and check us in facebook by searching FliteTest Argentina or go to the officcial page:

Thanks for reading...


colorex on June 26, 2012
Nice to see subtitles!
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flitetest_argentina on June 26, 2012
Thank you Colorex. You are very popular here in the website. I hope you know Now that we exist and that we are partners from Flitetest. So regards and I hope the subtitules were good...just to understand the main idea of the episode. It was a hard work...regards again
Mateo Bruguera
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colorex on June 26, 2012
Yeah, well... I guess I am quite known... Your show is very interesting, I knew about you almost since you started, and I have seen a few episodes of it! I'll look through some other episodes tomorrow!
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flitetest_argentina on June 27, 2012
You are from Ecuador aren't you? Because I wa thinking to write us in spanish but for the website is better to write in english, so that other people can reply. Regards
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SkyEagle microcessna - English Subtitles - FULL RE...