What to do in a public rc field....FliteTest Argentina - English Subtitles!

by flitetest_argentina | July 22, 2012 | (34) Posted in Just Fun

Hey guys,

at todays first episode of our season 5, we went to a public rc field and there was a lot to watch, to film and to fly. Remember, we need more subscribers. We even subscribe back! So SUBSCRIBE! Enjoy some epic flights.....we saw some flitetest fans and there Raptor F-22 scratch build. So thats all, see you next time........

Remember, we are an HONORARY  partner of FliteTest and Stonekap Productions Ltd. Remember to check out our website:

http://www.flitetestargentina.webstarts.com and check us in facebook by searching FliteTest Argentina or go to the officcial page:


Thanks for reading...


DejaD on August 1, 2012
Great work.
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flitetest_argentina on August 1, 2012
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Cheers!
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John Mangiameli on July 28, 2012
That was a fun episode, Guys.
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flitetest_argentina on July 29, 2012
thanks men.
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VMR0110 on January 21, 2015
Hola y saludos, parece que tuvieron un buen rato.
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What to do in a public rc field....FliteTest Argen...