A 'Little' bit of fun

by CJGFX | September 14, 2013 | (6) Posted in Just Fun

OK I saw this idea in an artical on RCGroups and I think it brilliant, especially to entertain the kids if it's raining outside. 

 Basically it very simple, you find a plane design you like, we did the F22 Raptor, and you make a mini model that you can use a chuck glider. You simply take the plan you like in full printout size and instead of printing out on to A0 size paper, reduce it to print onto A4 or Letter size. One you've printed them out, just build as you would the full size version. 

Here is our mini Raptor with my son taking out for a test flight....


 We used the Depron type foam that I build my plans out or as it is so much cheaper than Foam Board where we live. We used 3mm foam for the wings etc. and 6mm for the body. Just use the foam thickness that you think will look right proportionally to the plans. 

As with the real plane you have to find the correct CG before you can fly, we simply added hot glue (My son wanted to use some red glitter glue that came with my Dremel glue gun) to the nose until the plane balanced correctly, but I think we'll add a paper clip as well as it's still a little tail heavy.


After the test flight I left it to my son to decorate as he wanted. This is not just good idea to entertain the kids but you can also make test models to see any difficulties in the build process and also see the glide characteristics of the plane. Great fun and I think we'll be doing a bigger F22 Raptor in the future with a motor and radio gear!!


CStence on September 16, 2013
Very cool! I know my son would love that too. Sounds like I've got the next rainy day activity covered. Thanks for sharing! :)
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rcspaceflight on September 16, 2013
Earlier today I was telling a broke kid in the forum that free-flight is a great way to get into the hobby because it's a lot cheaper and is still fun. Poster board or a thick paper works great too. (You can just use Elmer's school glue to glue it.) If anything, paper might be better because you can curl and fold it a bit to make the plane loop and roll.

Great fun. I love that you're getting your kids involved. This is a great way to introduce the youngsters to the hobby.

Adding a rubber band launcher to the mix will increase the fun. ;)
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A 'Little' bit of fun