Adjusting the Mobius action cam for macro focus.

by rchacker | January 7, 2015 | (0) Posted in Projects

Possibly everything you need to know about adjusting focus on the Mobius action cam, plus plenty of teardown action.

I have been experimenting with this camera for macro footage on my other channel The initial results are really good.
Yes it is a bit off topic but I can think of a few cases where close up focus would be good in an RC situation. Having the wing or dummy cockpit in focus for example.
This is a bit of a long one, but experienced hobbyists will be able to figure out what I am doing from the shots in the introduction.

Music is from the youtube creators audio library. Everything else was created by myself.

Thank you for reading the description, please consider supporting my work.

Cheers, Marc Griffith


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Adjusting the Mobius action cam for macro focus.