R/C with Dogs

by FliteTest | January 7, 2015 | (11) Posted in Just Fun

Some of you may recognize this member of the Flite Test family, but for those who don't, let us introduce you to Hoffy!

Hoffy is a puppy at heart with the body of full grown dog. In other words, he's kind of insane.

We are always recommending the hobby to help connect with your loved ones so why exclude your furry loved ones? 

You can enjoy the hobby and get your pet some exercise at the same time!

The Snowball is essentially a frisbee that you only have to throw once. Dogs just can't resist. 

 If you dog does end up eating your plane (don't say we didn't warn you!) why not instead use the dog to help you fly. 

Say hello to the most adorable high start you've ever seen!

We attached an FT Simple Soarer to Hoffy to see how high he could tow us up. 

Let's just say the G-forces applied by one-dog-power high starts are greater than you may expect!

If you want to check out a successful tow, we tried this behind-the-scenes a few summers ago and you can see the video on our FT Extra page!

For those of you who haven't already heard about FT Extra, it's all the hours and hours of stuff that we can't really fit into an episode but we still want to share with you the viewer. We plan to release these videos on the off days we don't post offical episodes (Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday). 

FT Extra is funded by your optional donations. This is for people who still want to support us but might not have enough to pick up a Speed Build Kit.

You can donate at: http://flitetest.com/extra/subscribe

Wether it's a dollar or a hunderd we greatly appreciate anything and everything you all have been donating and we thank you for it! The donations are NOT required to view the content, but we always appreciate the support! 



nigelsheffield on January 8, 2015
I use my dlg to exercise my dog , he loves it, I am throwing something for him repeatedly but he know he is not allowed to touch it!
Trouble is now and then he will follow an airliner thinking its my glider lol!
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don1989 on January 10, 2015
The glider tow looked fun. But flying a prop plane near a dog like this was a terrible idea and whoever green-lighted it should be ashamed. This was reckless.
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wingless on January 7, 2015
Talk about cruelty! The dog was having fun but Peter looked like he was freezing! I'm calling the ASPCA ( association for the prevention of cruelty to assistants! Lol)

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1959cutter on January 7, 2015
My dog (a baby-eating-dingo).....runs and hides under the living room table when i try to bring my airplanes, or even the radio out of the shed!
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earthsciteach on January 7, 2015
Hoffy's head might explode of FTFF 2015! LOL!!!!

Hmmm, that wing fold reminds me of a windy day at a public park somewhere east of Canton. Silver Park was it? I was having a great time flying my Storch with Josh B and Eric M, until I folded the wing in front of the plane's designer. It was so wonderfully horrible! LOL! Talk about feeling like a total doofus!
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Chefinator on January 8, 2015
Dear FT, I liked the episode, and had a couple of laughs too. But, yes her comes the BUT: As YOU JB teach to being careful with props as they can cause quite some injuries. I like the one with the dog tow, but at first when I saw the Nutball it brought back some bad memories. I have seen a dog at our local airfield having his scull cut in half, as the owner of the plane and dog launched his electric glider, the plane sunk almost to the ground and with the "stupid" dog (not all dogs are stupid, and I LOVE DOGS!!, but this one was) chasing the plane there was nowhere else to go.The dog was dead instantaneously. I think the guy quit the hobby afterwards, or had to break up his relationship with his wife - guess it was her dog. Anyways, I am just saying we don't fly anywhere close to people with or without props, but here we would be having our "best friend" chase the plane with rotating blades.
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ABQ Bobcat on January 8, 2015
I'm in agreement - this episode went too far in my book. Normally I enjoy watching the FT boys do their thing and causing harm to aircraft in the sky but this one had me a bit nervous for what might happen. The FT crew needs to realize that a lot of people look up to the hosts on this show and will emulate everything they do regardless of what disclaimer is said ahead of time. With the bad press our hobby is getting with the whole 'drone' debacle, shouldn't the biggest names in the hobby be setting the example for what is smart and responsible behavior? IMO, this is reckless and irresponsible flying.
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hotroder69 on January 8, 2015
Thanks guy's I laughed till I hurt.
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lee250 on January 7, 2015
I have a dog that will try to catch my planes and chases my trucks and drags them around.
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Defog on January 7, 2015
Maybe I'll get an inexpensive EDF of appropriate size for my snowball and let my dog chase it. Less scary than a prop. I'd add a simple cage so the dog won't get anything hurt by the fan.
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UK RC Model Flyer on January 14, 2015
Nobody loves their dogs more than us 'Brits' so I can see both sides of what may become a long and rather tedious should they/shouldn't they argument. I thought the whole thing was very funny and entertaining, and cannot really criticise too much, (without becoming a bit of a hypocrite),as I have had hours of fun 'exercising' my two Schnoodles and two German Shepherds using an AXN Cloud. It has a tiny prop on the top so is fairly inaccessible, and I always made a point of switching the motor off then gliding to within reach of our dogs. That said there is always a risk when it comes to propellers! Perhaps in hindsight, the flite test guys will be having second thoughts about running the footage, but let's not judge them too harshly. I guess if it raises the issue of safety, and if we can all then have a polite and grown up dialogue about it, no harm has been done, and it may just make people think that little bit more about their own actions. That said, numerous dogs are seriously injured and even killed when sticks that are thrown for them (by well meaning owners) stick into the ground at awkward angles and the dog then falls onto them with gruesome consequences.
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bryuly on January 14, 2015
I did this all last summer...until the dog grabbed the plane in a not so great landing too far away to stop her. I need to rebuild my ft flyer before spring weather!
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FliteGreg on January 18, 2015
Not much of a dog person... so I guess it's difficult for me to appreciate this one as much as an episode packed with useful technical info, but it's still flitetest, it's entertaining. :)
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rcrc on January 25, 2015
I can so see myself doing the dog high start!! All I would have to do is let anything that moves loose and Letter rip!! If I still had dogs .. :( Rest in peace my best buddies .
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Flying Fox on March 31, 2015
Very cool
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jppsc79 on May 7, 2015
Well I guess the challenge is on for Flite Test to build a high-dog-start proof glider
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R/C with Dogs